
Logan Isaac 2-02-2010

Before I went to Iraq with my friend and fellow God's Politics contributor Shane Claiborne, I was trying to figure out how to take the lessons I would learn there back home. I felt certain (and now know) that the experience could be a small but powerful step toward improving our understanding of how to prevent any future indiscriminate uses of force similar to the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Rose Marie Berger 2-01-2010

In November, 1,150 cities around the world—including 60 capitals—lit up public buildings to support an end to the death penalty.

Randall Amster 1-29-2010
A number of commentators have questioned the accepted logic that disasters bring out the worst in people, directly challenging the pervasive "looters run amok" imagery often perpetuated by the medi
Brian McLaren 1-29-2010
Friday night we were the guests of a synagogue in West Jerusalem. It was beautiful to see the room full of Jewish families honoring God in song, reading, silence, and prayer.
Arthur Waskow 1-28-2010

Tuesday morning -- just two days ago -- I wrote to half a dozen leaders of progressive thought and action in America, each separately, the letter that follows.

Brian McLaren 1-28-2010
What a day it was. Halfway through, many in our group of twenty felt that we couldn't take much more.
Brian McLaren 1-26-2010

We arrived in Bethlehem with our wonderful group of pilgrims. Folks are getting acquainted, and in a few minutes, our journey begins.

Stephen Flohr 1-25-2010

It was 3 a.m. when they came barreling into town -- Israeli jeeps and tanks preempting the dawn and hollering menacing messages over their loudspeakers.

Neeraj Mehta 1-25-2010
Last week my wife and I had the grand opportunity to leave our two kids in the care of her parents and spend five days on vacation in California.
Heather Wilson 1-22-2010
While the story of bible-verses-on-gun-scopes is getting more press, I am just (if not more) disturbed to read of a U.S.
Lisa Sharon Harper 1-19-2010

as i walk toward the balcony where my hero fell, i feel strangely drawn in enwrapped by invisible hands of comfort and welcome. hands that welcome the peacemakers of the world "come and witness the place where a fellow peacemaker fell and inherited the kin-dom of god."

Eugene Cho 1-15-2010
Nicolas Kristof had a recent article in The New York Times titled, "Religion and Women," t
Jarrod McKenna 1-13-2010
South Park famously set up how the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is "branded" as a group of "hardcore-any-means-necessary-pirates." In reality
Brian McLaren 1-12-2010

Parker Palmer, in a beautiful and important essay called "The Broken-Open Heart: Living with Faith and Hope in the Tragic Gap," speaks of our need to overcome "the primitive brain":

Melvin Bray 1-05-2010
"'Tell me what distinguishes the murderer at Fort Hood, the people we arrested in Denver and Detroit and New York, and the five people who were just picked up in Pakistan?'" Former House Speaker Ne
Molly Marsh 1-01-2010

Promoting gender equality is crucial to combating global poverty, a point Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn make in their new book,

Women's advocacy groups in Kenya take on the issues that most hit home.

Multiple Authors 12-30-2009
On November 20, 2009, to considerable media fanfare, a group of 140 senior Christian leaders issued 'The Manhattan Declaration.' In brief, it calls fo