
Brian McLaren 9-23-2009
What could be more joyful than rediscovering our God-given role as caretakers, stewards, and lovers of creation?
Mimi Haddad 9-15-2009
Have you ever noticed how every day language is used to manipulate and shape rather than describe reality? Here is one example.
LaVonne Neff 9-04-2009

Last week a friend who knows my dogs sent me a link to Wendy Francisco's wildly popular new song, "God and Dog" (more than half a million views at time of writing). G-o-d and d-o-G--two words, one kind of love. "They would stay with me all day; / I'm the one who walks away.

Yesterday, I heard a Christian leader say that the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 25 is not a reason for Christians to support universal health care guaranteed by their government.
Jim Wallis 9-03-2009
I have never really trusted those who are intolerant and condemning of other people's shortcomings. It makes me suspect they are likely hiding their own.
Julie Clawson 9-03-2009
Recently, while traveling through Michigan, I attended Mars Hill for church one Sunday.
Eugene Cho 9-02-2009
Let me begin by asking a simple question: What Bible translation do you use and why?

Mimi Haddad 9-02-2009
Have you ever pondered the dangers of reading the Bible?
Bob Smietana 9-01-2009
A theological variety show mixes humor, music, and cultural analysis.
Logan Isaac 8-31-2009
I recently received a reply or two on my last blog post, regarding Sgt.
Aaron Taylor 8-31-2009
Wendell Potter worked for 15 years as the head of public relations for CIGNA, one of the largest health insurance companies in the U.S.
Steve Holt 8-28-2009

I need to find something to do until Sept. 13 or thereabouts. The Daily Show is on a three-week vacation until then. (Anyone have a good home remedy for the Stewart Shakes?) I kid.

Chris Baker Evens 8-14-2009

A handful of Christians living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, are making use of the age-old nonviolent practice of hospitality to 60 community representatives who suffer constant threats and intimidation as they work to protect land, fisheries, forests, and waterways from development projects (see

Nontando Hadebe 8-12-2009
There is an African proverb from Ethiopia that says, "When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion." What a graphic illustration of power that emerges as an outcome of networking, partnership, and
We learned the story in Sunday school:

Johanna Hatch 8-11-2009
I recently celebrated the ninth annual Hatch family reunion on Cape Cod, my favorite family gathering.