
Kevin Lum 5-08-2009
Historically, the number of individuals who say they have no religious affiliation in America ranges between 5-10%, but a new poll conducted by Robert Putnam (of
Eugene Cho 5-04-2009
Recently, I had the privilege of spending" href=""">
Arthur Waskow 5-04-2009

One of the central teachings of Torah is that all human beings are made in the Image of God. That teaching and what flows from it are at the heart of Jewish prohibitions on the use of torture -- and perhaps at the heart of Christian opposition to torture as well.

Indeed, the Rabbis

Julie Clawson 5-01-2009
As I process the conversations I had recently at EVDC09 (a gathering of emerging church participants to discuss the future of Emergent Village), I realized that one of the topics that keeps surfaci
Dale Hanson Bourke 5-01-2009
Books get a second life in a global library.
Molly Marsh 4-30-2009
Day two of the Mobilization to End Poverty included a trip to Capitol Hill to lobby senators and representatives on issues related to poverty and social justice.
Diana Butler Bass 4-21-2009
"Progressive" has become the adjective of choice to describe faith communities with commitments to justice, serving the poor, and environmentalism.
Jim Wallis 4-16-2009
In ominous red and black, last week's Newsweek cover carried the headline, "The Decline and Fall of Christian America." The magazine's cover sto
Cesar Baldelomar 4-16-2009
As Christians, our continual task is to explore and mediate on Jesus' teachings, as well as to emulate his deeds.
Efrem Smith 4-14-2009
In this sermon, Pastor Efrem discusses the focus in April on Martin Luther King's death and the Easter Season, and proclaims that there is no separation between proclaiming the gospel and advancing
Mimi Haddad 4-13-2009
As we celebrate Easter and Christ's empty tomb, we recognize that Calvary changes everything!
Eugene Cho 4-10-2009
There are numerous significant theological and biblical meanings behind the Last Supper (Passover Seder) and while the pursuit
Cesar Baldelomar 4-03-2009
Jesus, who was a Palestinian Jew living under Roman occupation, preached a message that was anti-state and religious imperialism.
Aaron Taylor 3-27-2009
As I write this post, I'm sitting in a hotel room in Eugene, Oregon waiting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies conference to start. It's nice to have a day to myself.
Brian McLaren 3-26-2009

Some might say that this is the worst possible time to have a Mobilization to End Poverty.

Eugene Cho 3-24-2009
To support and amplify the already pervasive non-religious reputation of Seattle, the atheist bus ads are set to arrive.
Cesar Baldelomar 3-24-2009

Twenty-nine years ago today, a Salvadorian government hit man assassinated Archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Romero as he was saying Mass in a convent. News of Romero's assassination sparked a slew of global responses -- from sadness and outrage to impartiality.

Nadia Bolz-Weber 3-23-2009

If I had a dollar for every person who has asked me "So, what IS the emerging church?" we could meet our budget this year. Here's my own definition, and it is just that -- my definition. Not the definition. This is descriptive, not prescriptive. When I use the term "emerging church" here's what I mean by that. (I feel like I'm walking into a minefield, but here we go ...)

Barbara Born 3-15-2009
Bible readings from the Revised Common Lectionary: Exodus 20:1-17, Psalm 19, 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, John 2: 13-22

Efrem Smith 3-12-2009

It's always difficult to find just a few minutes from Pastor Efrem's sermons to highlight on the blog. With this sermon, it was impossible. So for a change, here's the entire sermon, in which he preaches from Proverbs 3 and talks about: