
Nate Bacon 7-15-2009

Only God would open up an opportunity for a Catholic from San Francisco to speak prophetically to the Prime Minister of Australia, at the Anglican Centre in Rome, on behalf of Cambodians about to lose their land in Phnom Penh. God cares that much about the poor.

Anne Dunlap 7-14-2009

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

Mimi Haddad 7-13-2009

As you may know, the question of whether women can serve as deacons has been recently debated among many evangelicals. Since scripture makes clear that Phoebe served as a deacon in the church in Cenchrea, there is an abundance of historical and archeological evidence that women deacons were upheld by the apostles. Both Clement of Alexandria and John Chrysostom recognize Phoebe was a deacon.

Cesar Baldelomar 7-13-2009
Though it has been two weeks since Michael Jackson's death, the world continues to mourn and to monitor news sources for the latest developments.
John Gehring 7-10-2009
When Pope Benedict XVI meets with President Obama in Rome today, a shy German theologian and a charismatic leader known for his international rock star appeal will find plenty to agree on despite s
Jim Wallis 7-09-2009
As the G8 Summit begins in Italy, Pope Benedict XVI has released a new encyclical on the global economy.
Onleilove Alston 7-08-2009

"I do the work of justice not out of a disdain for the privileged but out of a love for Life." - Womanist Theologian Dr. Kelly Douglas Brown

Alan Bean 7-08-2009

What lessons do we take away from the Jena 6 story? Six young men won't be dragging a felony conviction into adult life. That's reason for rejoicing, but as this saga approaches its third birthday, it's fair to ask if we have learned anything.

Edward Gilbreath 7-06-2009

You can't do church in the 21st century without a vision for cultural diversity, says author and theologian Soong-Chan Rah.

Nadia Bolz-Weber 7-01-2009

Last Sunday I got a call at 11 a.m. It was Rachel Pater calling from her home town church (denomination to remain unnamed). It took several minutes before she could form a proper sentence through her sobs. Finally in a shaky voice, this came out: "I'm at my parent's church ... they are doing communion ...

Jeannie Choi 7-01-2009

“Food deserts,” neighborhoods where people must walk at least a mile or drive 30 miles to access a grocery store, are rife in both urban and rural areas throughout the U.S.

Alexie Torres 7-01-2009

How I learned the real meaning of strength -- from the unlikeliest of people.

Joan Chittister 6-25-2009
Editor's note: In "What Sustains Me," an article in the
Edward Gilbreath 6-25-2009

It's hot in Chicago. Summer is officially doing its thing.

Steve Holt 6-24-2009
Throughout the Bible, God's people are instructed to care for those who often cannot thrive on their own, most often widows and orphans.
Harper McConnell 6-24-2009

It was hard to miss me on the lava-rocked streets of Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, while I was working for a locally led organization, HEAL Africa. I lacked the grace of Congolese women who glided across the tumultuous terrain in high heels while I tripped over the ubiquitous black rocks.

Neeraj Mehta 6-24-2009
Why are people poor? I remember being asked this question 10 years ago while training for a program I was volunteering with.
Shane Claiborne 6-23-2009
It's wild how easily we get sidetracked from Holy days by holidays, and how quickly we can smother our central identity in Christ with other identities such as our national identity.