
Nadia Bolz-Weber 7-01-2009

Last Sunday I got a call at 11 a.m. It was Rachel Pater calling from her home town church (denomination to remain unnamed). It took several minutes before she could form a proper sentence through her sobs. Finally in a shaky voice, this came out: "I'm at my parent's church ... they are doing communion ...

Joel C. Hunter 7-01-2009

I loved that movie with Mandy Moore about a terminally ill preacher’s daughter who tutored a rebellious peer.

Jessi Colund 6-30-2009

I graduated from a wonderful Christian college about a year ago, and it was a great experience overall. However, one thing that really bothered me was the pressure felt by many of my friends-especially my female friends-to get married.

Nontando Hadebe 6-29-2009
Conversations can offer creative spaces for questions to be asked and the exchange or exploration of ideas.

As our nation mourns the untimely death of the King of Pop, I am grieving over the death of a lesser know man: a man whom many will never know, but whose mark on the world is significant. Two weeks ago, Rev.

Every day across America we see self-segregation in lunchrooms, in classrooms, and in church pews on Sunday morning. But how about online?

Shane Claiborne 6-23-2009
It's wild how easily we get sidetracked from Holy days by holidays, and how quickly we can smother our central identity in Christ with other identities such as our national identity.
On June 8, Pastor Reinel Martinez Medina testified before the Colombian Congress on the execution of his brother at the hands of Colombian Public Security Forces: "I dare to speak out about my brot
Elizabeth Palmberg 6-19-2009
As I look at where we need to get, pronto -- 350 parts per million or less carbon in the atmosphere, sustainable use of planetary resources, and a world economy consistent with those things -- and
Soong-Chan Rah 6-19-2009

Father's Day has always been a bittersweet holiday for me. For most of my life, my father was absent, having abandoned our family when I was in elementary school.

I am heartened by a new analysis of data from a 2006 Pew Research Center poll, which indicates that people who go to c
Bill Mefford 6-17-2009
As things begin to heat up on the immigration debate in Congress, the role of the church will be significant.
Eugene Cho 6-16-2009

Are you tracking with the developments in Iran? I'd love to hear your thoughts:

How are you processing the election protests in Iran? What are your thoughts and emotions?

George Mitrovich 6-16-2009
On the day my father died I was 1,200 miles away.

Jim Wallis 6-15-2009
More than the primaries, general election, board meetings, or the budget fight on Capitol Hill, this past week was a high-intensity roller coaster for me. It was Little League playoffs.
Richard Rohr 6-15-2009
Editor's note: In the July issue of Sojourners magazine, we asked social activists to share how they stay refreshed w
Gabriel Salguero 6-12-2009
Much has been said about President Obama's speech to the Muslim world from Cairo, Egypt.
Jim Wallis 6-11-2009
Words have consequences. In the past few weeks, we have seen just how dire those consequences can be.
Jim Wallis 6-11-2009

The time has come for comprehensive immigration reform. After several failed attempts in past years, the president has promised it and the White House is showing a clear commitment to it.