Sojourners Magazine: December 2018
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No tagline, logo, article, or hashtag—no matter how snappy—can possibly contain the fullness of the gospel call to be the body of Christ in our messy world. And that pushes us to continue experimenting: with new language, with new models of doing church, and with new ways of creating space for all in God’s family to be their full and authentic selves. As Teresa P. Mateus explains in the cover story, “When you’re trying to lift, create space for, and have sensitivities around people’s diverse identities, there’s constantly room to improve.”
Cover Story
How the Mystic Soul Project is creating a space for activism, mysticism, and healing for people on the margins.
A Los Angeles church moved its service to a parking lot—paving the way for a new economic model of ministry.
In rural communities, churches engage in practical and compassionate ministries to empower others for the common good.
What does it take to move beyond civil rights to a "more advanced democracy"?
Power is dynamic, so accountability should be too.
Revenge fantasies, however justified they may feel, are not the same as God's righteous anger.
It has been 50 years since the Medellín movement changed history.
Culture Watch
How the Russian resistance group Pussy Riot engages with prophetic vexation.
American Hate: Survivors Speak Out, ed. by Arjun Singh Sethi. The New Press.
An excerpt from Barbara Williams-Skinner's 'I Prayed, Now What? My Journey from No Faith to Deep Faith.'
A retired minister's suicide is retold through the documentary Man on Fire.
'Blaze' is a challenging alternative to familiar rags-to-riches tales.
This article originally appeared in the December 2007 issue of Sojourners. Read the full article in the archives.
There's room for progress in old models of Christianity and social justice.
The hope of Jesus' return overshadows the current atrocities of this world.
I'm still waiting for that white people intervention I asked for.