Sojourners Magazine: September/October 2008
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Extended content from Jim Wallis' interview with John Edwards
Edwards: 'I Sin Every Day' (God's Politics blog post by Jim Wallis)
Extended content from Jim Wallis' interview with Mike Huckabee
PLUS, hear Huckabee discuss the tragedy of poverty and why he got into politics.
Extended content from Kathleen Norris
PLUS, hear how she bears insults and learns humility from the monks.
Hear Mike Huckabee talk about the tragedy of poverty and why he got into politics.
Listen in as John Edwards talks about his wife Elizabeth’s passion for universal healthcare.
Cover Story
John Edwards explains why poverty is an issue we can do something about.
Mike Huckabee talks about children, poverty, and the role of government.
Why concentrated wealth and the growing gap between the rich and the rest of us are not only bad for our economy but threaten democracy itself.
Theological schools and seminaries are changing the ways they prepare their students for our increasingly multireligious world.
Student activists are finding that sometimes conversation, not confrontation, is the way to make a difference.
When we separate pleasure from responsibility, we defy nature at our own risk.
A solution to poverty will take both liberals and conservatives and those who are neither.
Culture Watch
Kathleen Norris explores how an ancient concept of spiritual malaise speaks to us today.
Electing Not to Vote: Christian Reflections on Reasons for Not Voting, edited by Ted Lewis.
The Catholic Worker After Dorothy Day: Practicing the Works of Mercy in a New Generation, by Dan McKanan.
Successful democracies, according to Thomas Jefferson, require an educated citizenry.
Praise God for all things green
Lime jello, blades of grass, emeralds
Chameleons, the neon river frog
Heavy papayas begging to be picked
More disappointing than the cheap sarcasm in Ed Spivey Jr.’s column, “One Man, One Clip” (“H’rumphs,” June 2008), was his ignorance of gun owners, evidenced by
You may recall that the cover of our August issue featured Elizabeth Edwards, spouse of John Edwards, one of the subjects of this month’s cover.
The U.K.-based child protection agency Lucy Faithfull Foundation and the social action wing of the U.K.
“Awake, ye drunkards, and weep” (Joel 1:5) for the hour of the Lord is at hand!
Access to quality health care has been hindered more often for America’s racial and ethnic minorities than for whites, according to a 2008 report “Lifeline to Health Equity.” Peop
Roman Catholic Ingrid Betancourt made herself a wooden rosary while held captive in the Colombian jungle (above).
Slavery is a lingering scar on North America. Lives were destroyed. People were mistreated. Some died at the hands of cruel masters.
On June 9, armed groups of Zimbabwe’s police, military, and central intelligence raided the Ecumenical Centre in the city of Harare, which houses several Christian organizations.
Congress passed legislation in June removing Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela and other members of the African National Congress from the Department of Homeland Security’s “terro