This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: November 2006

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Cover Story

Democracy demands that religious Americans translate their concerns into universal values - and that secularists make room for faith and morality.


Exploring the difference between the public truth of the sermon and the private truth of the memoir.
Can fiction be a vehicle for social change?
Maybe a single film can't change the world, but put a social action campaign behind it and you have the seeds of a movement.
How does faith in Jesus enter the moving picture for Hollywood writer-producer David MacFadzean?


Storytelling in the digital age.
Films to watch out for.


Detroit: Our top story today is the recall of 7.4 million sport utility vehicles after General Motors technicians discovered they consume unconscionably high quantities of fuel.
George Bush's sense of religion makes him alarmingly self-righteous.

Culture Watch

Who will control the stories we tell-and who gets to see them?
New and Noteworthy books.


The fall months tend to be busy-no doubt you can relate-and the pace around  our office has been brisk.
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle B for November.