The fall months tend to be busy-no doubt you can relate-and the pace around our office has been brisk.
We started out September with a Politics & Spirituality Conference in Pasadena, California, and followed with the launch of our Faith and Justice Churches congregational network, Red Letter Christians campaign, and God's Politics blog. (See for more information on these.) Jim Wallis hit the road again for a book tour with the paperback edition of God's Politics, and activities related to the Covenant for a New America - a results-oriented plan we unveiled in June to tackle the persistent problem of poverty - are in full swing. Also, as we do every year, we had the joy of welcoming new interns to our staff - nine this year, from both coasts and in between - to help us fulfill our mission and goals. We're grateful for their energy and new ideas (except occasionally when they make us feel old).
We're also thankful for those outside the office who contribute to our work. Bob Roth has served as our trusty Living the Word writer for the past 18 months, which means he's provided thoughtful reflections for 78 Sundays in a row, no small feat. We appreciate the way he embodies theologian Karl Barth's adage to teach with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other. Malinda Berry, a Mennonite doctoral student studying systematic theology, will take over the reins from Bob in the next issue. We look forward to introducing her to you.
-The Editors
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