Sojourners Magazine: May 2017
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In this issue we asked six Christian writers: What does your body tell you about God? Not bodies in the abstract, but your body: pimples, dreadlocks, muscles, wrinkles, thighs, and all. We also worked with Minneapolis-based photographer Katie Koranda, who introduced us to Saciido Shaie, a Somali Muslim refugee. Shaie's story is also about bodies--those of people who were forced to flee the country where they were born, who often wear hijabs of their brown or black skin, and in whom our nation seems to be having particular trouble seeing the image of God.
Cover Story
Saciido Shaie, a Somali refugee living in Minneapolis, just wants to be part of the American fabric.
What do our bodies—dreadlocks, muscles, thighs, and all—teach us about God?
Seven in 10 Americans don't discuss global warming with family or friends. It's time to start. Here's how.
Black and Latino churches are becoming strong voices for people and creation.
The goal of education reform should be to create opportunity for every child.
Culture Watch
At first my 'resistance library' was a protective wall. But is that really what books are made for?
The Year of Small Things: Radical Faith for the Rest of Us, by Sarah Arthur & Erin F. Wasinger. Brazos Press.
Saint or Sinner? Three new books examine the life of Martin Luther.
An excerpt from Radical Spirit: 12 Ways to Live a Free and Authentic Life, by Joan Chittister, OSB
A more powerful corporate establishment is not exactly what Rust Belt Trump voters were looking for.
Perhaps we need to turn our attention to beauty even more than opposition.
To see blooms adorning a church on Ash Wednesday—instead of at Easter—scrambles the spiritual metaphor.
The fossil-fuel industry has been running a disinformation game for more than a quarter centry.