
Jean-Mark Sens 3-27-2025
Illustration of a man holding a bouquet of flowers.

Illustration by Sue Gent

Sunday, he emerges carrying blue iris,
lilies, and maidenhair ferns,
a few cabbage palm fronds,
shears closing their silent beaks
the light just disclosed behind the river hill,
boxwood and red peeled trunks of crepe myrtles.
He picks and chooses, gathers them in his arms,
he will push the iron gate and climb the serpentine brick path.
He pitched semi-pro baseball,
golfer, lifeguard, fencing master,
a life to the body, works of reflexes,
eyes of a blue cutting-edge, deft hands, perfect ambidextrous,
slant ball, whirled ball, knee ball. He catches all.
He embraces the flowers against his chest
and deposits them by the altar,
signs himself, arranges them in a white vase.
No ball to miss.
God and prayers, fragrant Easter between his two luminous hands.

Yun Wang 2-20-2025
Illustration of half a woman's face visible from behind a birch tree.

Illustration by Bernard Leonardo

Fear turns me into a tree.
Every pruning healed
becomes an eye.

Sunlight plays the leaves,
each a pool of green incandescence,
a window to the heart.

Every wound a hieroglyph.
Each whisper a new chord.

Come inside my radiant dream:
a phoenix fruit ripens unseen.

Kathleen Gunton 12-12-2024
Illustrations of a diverse dinner party holding hands to say grace at the table with fairies floating around their feet.

Illustration by Jiatong Liu

A poem.

Helen Mirkil 11-14-2024
Illustration of a table filled with wine, bread, soup, a cake, and two small figures sitting on the table.

Illustration by Lizaveta-Alisa K

A poem.

Devon Balwit 10-10-2024
Red gradient background with shadowed profile of a woman with a mysterious plant overlayed on top of her.

Illustration by Vartika Sharma

I once believed I could hate intermittently,
an incandescence I could turn on and off
with the will or guide with the pressure
of my knees or with reins woven
from the clear demands of the moment.

Yahia Lababidi 8-22-2024
The illustration is of two children planting a tree, one is a girl with pigtails and the other has Keffiyeh wrapped around his head.

Illustration by Irina Naji 

A poem. 

Lynn Domina 7-18-2024
The illustration is of a variety of birds on a branch. There is a peacock, a penguin, an emu, a chicken and rooster, an owl, a hawk, a sparrow, and one of those penguins with fluffy yellow hair

Illustration by Dominique Ramsey

A poem.

The illustration shows a man looking out a big window at a woman and a child dancing under a tree in the grass.

Illustration by Haley Jiang

I was welcomed home by the me
I’d always tried to be—
more rainbow than thunderclap,
no more worry-do-worry-do.

D.S. Martin 5-16-2024
The image shows the ampersand symbol made out of a collage of magazine strips.

Illustration by Bri Robinson

A poem.

Abby Parcell 4-11-2024
The illustration shows five stacks of rocks in a grassy field with a blue sky. Coming out of one of the stacks is a bouquet of red flowers

Illustration by Ric Carrasquillo 

Surely I betrayed her at least three times:
eighteen months of bone-grinding hip pain,

a list of life stories never recorded, and
leaving her exposed to suffering because

I didn’t know. I didn’t know it was so hard to die.
The cock’s crow was just basic kidney physiology,

Joseph Ross 3-07-2024
The illustration depicts Elijah McClain, a Black man wearing glasses, next to his violin. His eyes are closed.

Illustration by Laura Freeman 

For Elijah McClain (1996-2019). Killed by police in Aurora, Colo., he was known as a gentle soul who played his violin to soothe anxious animals in shelters. 

If only a violin could redeem
the world.

Your skin, glowing like the violin’s wood,
might still sing its humble lament.

Kateri Boucher 1-18-2024
The illustration shows a woman holding a candle, looking out of a window

Illustration by Blane Asrat 

A poem.

The illustration shows a sheep looking out at a hill that is lit up with bombs.

Illustration by Hokyoung Kim

The electric fence is low,
and the coyotes many
this verdant year,
this jubilee when farmers
change their signs
from demands we

Laura Sobbott Ross 11-09-2023
The image is a watercolor painting of a barren forest with a layer of snow and a setting sun shining through the trees.

Egle Lipeikaite / Alamy

A poem

Theodore Deppe 10-12-2023
The illustration shows an open suitcase with the face of a man laughing on the bottom half, and a woman dancing in an empty room on the top half.

Illustration by Nate Sweitzer

Dream fragment in which Thomas Merton stops his Jeep
at the border, where a customs official who looks like my sister
opens his suitcase and, finding a spare monastic robe,

Leslie Williams 8-17-2023
An illustration of an underground waterway filled with pillars of brick, supporting arches of stone that give way to a ceiling of greenery and vines. A single gondola floats on the calm water in the center with a person standing in it with a lamp.

Illustration by Ric Carrasquillo

Dome of the rock
dome of the belly

every diaphragm
its own firmament

waters above
from waters below

eyeglasses flecked with salt spots
remnants of our oceans

Paula Bohince 7-20-2023
A white silhouette of a person's head with a brown backdrop and large bees surrounding the head like a halo. A bright pink rose with a bee pollinating it is inside the silhouette.

llustration by Danzhu Hu

Lisa Montgomery, the first woman killed by the U.S. federal government since 1953, was executed under former President Trump.

Red roses blooming all at once
when she finds between herself and any door
a male, be him grandson or lawyer, any flinch of any him brings a springtime
terror of thorn and attar, shivering with adrenaline, a clawing
of petal-flesh, the past beneath it, the blood

Kristin Gifford 6-22-2023
An illustration of four colorful rectangular panels. The top left has sunflowers with two birds flying over it. The top right shows a sunflower being cut by shears. The bottom left shows black seeds on the ground. The bottom-right shows a new sunflower.

Illustration by Rachel Joan Wallis

When I decapitated the sunflowers today, the birds had already
pecked them mostly bald. I sawed through those thick necks with
silver shears, squash leaning to cup falling petals and black seeds in her
green palms. I was cutthroat, ripping this food from the garden. I knew
how fierce and warlike the small wrens had become, and, sure enough,
there were the fearless nails in my scalp, clawing for my soul.

Elisabeth Ivey 5-18-2023
An illustration of a bird engulfed in flames with its wings spread out being held in human hands. A person's face is visible in the dark backdrop with glowing orange eyes, staring down at the bird poised over their cupped hands as feathers float downward.

Illustration by Kat Ash

I like my anger. I stoke it
like a fire, tend to it
with tender hands, cup
a hand ’round as I
blow to fan the flames

Nate Castellitto 4-13-2023
A painting of a lush cave with a lake. Stalagmites and stalactites fill the foreground and background, and a beam of light shines into the middle of the lake over a mysterious figure that resembles the loch-ness monster.

Illustration by Ric Carrasquillo

This spring, we’ll gather for a third time
since we first lost our forebears, martyrs to a cause

they did not choose for themselves.
Beloved grandmothers spent their last nights alone

in crowded hospital rooms while officeholders
deliberated over the what, not the what now or the how.