This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: August 2007

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Cover Story

Proponents claim that nuclear energy is the power source of the future - clean, green, and safe. Are they right?
Every year, 1 million radioactive shipments crisscross the U.S.


Asserting that "it takes two to tango," the Jubilee movement argues that it is high time lenders assume their share of responsibility for the debt crisis.
A reflection on the cost of discipleship.
Jubilee South campaigners go beyond calls for debt relief.
The Jubilee movement works to free the world's poorest countries from debt.
Corruption is a problem in Kenya and many countries. Where corruption is intractable, trust funds can be used to ensure that money freed by debt cancellation is used to benefit the poor.
Through the Jubilee USA Congregations program, faith communities across the U.S.
An eyewitness to massacre and genocide finds shame, hope, and possibility for a moral world.


Pushing back efforts to remilitarize Japan.
The continuing vitality of liberation theology


It's very complicated to have hope.
The presidential forum clearly showed that faith is alive and well on both sides of the political aisle.
Only one man can beat Fred Thompson in the 2008 race.

Culture Watch

In spring 1998, James Dobson, founder and head of Focus on the Family, was mad, and he traveled to Washington, D.C., to vent his fury.
Three quarters of Americans say they do not know their neighbors.
It's time to bring fairness back to the nation's airwaves.
The activist connected the war machine with the abandonment of U.S. urban centers.
A journalist's portrait of a pandemic.


The new global anti-trafficking movement is expanding in Europe, where churches have joined a coalition to advocate for an end to human trafficking within European Union member states.
"You have a glowing future." That nice sentiment becomes a little ominous when you think of it in terms of nuclear technology.
Travel Bans. The Treasury Department dropped the threat of a $34,000 fine against five Alliance of Baptists churches for allegedly violating the U.S.
In "With Eyes to See" (by Bob Smietana, April 2007), megachurch leaders Kay Warren and Lynne Hybels appear to have discovered the devastating AIDS epidemic that has been raging in Africa for more t
Sojourners hosted in June a first-of-its-kind, live special edition of CNN's "The Situation Room." Jim Wallis, CNN's Soledad O'Brien, and national religious leaders questioned leading Democratic presi
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C.
I read with interest Jesse Holcomb's commentary "Tortured Logic" (June 2007) on the television series 24. During its first season, my husband and I were avid watchers, sitting on the edge of
A Brazilian landowner known as the mastermind behind the murder of 73-year-old Catholic nun Dorothy Stang was sentenced in May to 30 years in prison.
From far-out depths they come, swell swelling swell, 'til cresting they salute the sky and tumble towards sand that waits immemorially to receive them. Summer u
The United Church of Christ has been on the forefront of environmental justice since the 1980s, when it published Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States. That report revealed the disprop
Promoting "green industry" can foster an economy that benefits all Americans and is strong enough to lift people out of poverty, according to "Community Jobs in the Green Economy," a new report fro
Like many in the Christian community, I became greatly disillusioned with the Religious Right.