Duane Shank was Associate Editor for Sojourners magazine and was on the staff from 1995 to 2014. 

Duane has been active as an organizer and administrator in the peace and justice movement for 35 years, beginning as a draft resistance and antiwar organizer during the Vietnam war. He has worked as a community organizer in the rural south, in interfaith coalitions, and in the nuclear weapons freeze and Central America solidarity movements of the 1980s. His positions have included Associate for the National Inter-religious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors; National Coordinator for the Committee Against Registration and the Draft; Deputy Director and Acting Executive Director for SANE/Freeze; and Research Fellow for the Institute for Policy Studies.

Duane attended Eastern Mennonite University. He is a Anabaptist/Mennonite, and currently an active member and serves on the worship leadership team of the Community of Christ ecumenical congregation in the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood of Washington, D.C. His views on faith and politics have been shaped by (among others), John Howard Yoder, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Oscar Romero.

Duane is married to Ellen Kennel. They have a daughter, Celeste, a graduate of Goshen College, IN, the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago Divinity School.

In addition to family, church, and work; his passions are baseball (Washington Nationals), blues (Buddy Guy and Stevie Ray Vaughan) and bluegrass music (Ralph Stanley), and barbecue.


Posts By This Author

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 05-16-2008

the latest reports on gay marriage, Iraq funding, Bush in Israel, Farm bill, Food, China, Burma, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, and Editorials

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Gay marriage. California Supreme Court overturns gay marriage ban "In a 4-3 decision, the justices rule that people have a fundamental 'right to marry' the person of their choice and that gender restrictions violate the state Constitution's equal protection guarantee." California Supreme Court Overturns Gay ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 05-15-2008

China, Burma, Bush in Israel, Dem presidential race, Republicans in Congress, Farm bill, Housing, Ohio payday lending, Online war, Polar bear endangered, Iraq, Darfur, and Iran.

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China. China quake toll 'to top 50,000' "More than 50,000 people may have died in the earthquake that devastated parts of China," China warns quake death toll could reach 50,000 "China warned the death toll from this week's earthquake could soar to 50,000, while the government issued a rare public ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 05-14-2008

The latest news on China earthquake, Burma storm, Presidential primary, Immigration, Campaign ads, Budget, Bio-engineered crops, Hagee apologizes, US military, Colombia, Mideast, Lebanon, North Korea, Editorial, and Op-Ed

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China earthquake. China quake toll close to 15,000 "Nearly 15,000 people died in the devastating earthquake that hit China's Sichuan province, the official Xinhua news agency has reported." China says 26,000 are buried in earthquake rubble "Chinese state media today said almost 26,000 people remained buried in earthquake debris, with ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 05-13-2008

China earthquake,Burma, Immigration raid, Immigrants, Ohio-Poverty Summit, McCain-global warming, Racism, Housing, Rep. Barney Frank, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, and Op-Eds.

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China earthquake.Search for China quake survivors "A massive search and rescue operation is under way in south-western China after one of the most powerful earthquakes in decades." 12,000 killed in China quake "Rescuers were struggling today to reach victims of the devastating earthquake that killed 12,000 ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 05-12-2008

The Latest news on Work & poverty, Veterans, Domestic spying, Presidential campaigns, Congratulations, Voter ID, Mideast, Burma, Iraq, Sudan, Nuclear proliferation, Lebanon, Zimbabwe, and Op-Eds.

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Work & poverty. State Programs Add Safety Net for the Poorest"Over the last two years, officials in Arkansas and at least a dozen other states have announced plans to extend the safety net - through monthly cash payments - to thousands of low-income workers struggling to gain a foothold in the work world."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 05-07-2008

The latest news on Burma, Evangelical Manifesto, Dem primaries, McCain on judges, Death penalty, Immigrants, Food crisis, Consumers & environment, Israel, and US-Russia.

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Burma cyclone. Aid arriving in cyclone-hit Burma "Neighbouring countries and the UN have dispatched planes carrying supplies - amid complaints that ruling generals are hampering the foreign aid effort." Burma toll 'to rise dramatically' "World Vision said it believed the death toll would ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 05-06-2008

The latest news on Burma, Dem primaries, War spending, Farm bill, Execution, Race & prison, Iraq, Kenya, Iran, Darfur, African summit, Op-Ed.

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Burma. Death toll rises to 22,000 as Burma appeals for aid "The death toll from the Burmese cyclone today rose above 22,000, with another 41,000 people still missing, as the country's military regime admitted it was struggling to cope." Burma's cyclone death toll soars "Meanwhile, criticism is mounting over the handling of the crisis by Burma's military ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 05-05-2008

The latest news on Burma cyclone, Dem Primaries, Welfare rising, Prisons, Poverty, Farm bill, Hunger, Executions, Economy, Immigration, Trinity UCC, Iraq-Iran, Hezbollah, Zimbabwe, Gordon Brown, and Op-Eds.

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Burma cyclone. Burmese storm toll 'nears 4,000' "More than 3,900 people were killed by a devastating cyclone that hit eastern Burma on Saturday, state media say, and thousands more people are still missing."

Dem Primaries. Obama, Clinton finally showing their differences "Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton tried mightily Sunday to convince ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 05-02-2008

The latest news on Food aid, Immigration rallies, Farm bill, Education, Payday lending-Ohio, Hurting in DC, Dockworkers strike the war, Loyalty oath, Middle East, Al Qaeda-Somalia, UK local elections, Maternal deaths, and Op-Ed.

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Food aid. Bush Seeks $770 Million More in World Food Aid "President Bush asked Congress to approve $770 million in new global food aid for the coming fiscal year, the centerpiece of an evolving administration response to a crisis that has sparked increased violence and hunger around the world." Bush Seeks More Food Aid for Poor C ...

Never Again

by Duane Shank 05-01-2008

Today is the commemoration of Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day)in the modern Jewish calendar. The date was originally enacted by the Israeli Parliament in 1953, but has now become a commemoration by the international Jewish community and [...]

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 05-01-2008

The latest news on Holocaust Remembrance Day, Minorities increase, Immigration, Food prices, Environment, Payday lending-Ohio, L.A. gangs, Rich & poor in Canada, India, Zimbabwe, Al Qaeda-Pakistan, Al Qaeda-Afghanistan, Iraq-Iran, Tibet, and Op-Ed.

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Holocaust Remembrance Day. Sirens wail as Israel remembers victims of Holocaust "Sirens pierced the air in a mournful two-minute wail throughout Israel on Thursday in a tribute to the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis as the country marked Holocaust remembrance day."

Minorities increase.

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 04-30-2008

the latest news on Economy, Sen. Obama-Rev. Wright, McCain's health plan, Iraq, Vets education, Child abuse, Payday lending-Ohio, New Orleansschools, Ethanol and food, Food crisis, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Tony Blair's faith, and Editorial.

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Economy. Foreclosures double, home prices tumble "The most severe real estate recession in decades appears far from over, with the pace of foreclosures rising, the fall in home prices accelerating and the pain spreading to nearly every major U.S. city."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 04-29-2008

The latest news on Voter ID upheld, Health programs, Farm bill food assistance, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, GI Bill, Immigrants, Global food crisis, Climate change, Abortion-India, Iran-Iraq, Zimbabwe, and Afghanistan.

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Voter ID upheld. Voter ID law upheld "The Supreme Court opened the door to state laws that require voters to show a photo identification before casting a ballot on election day." High court's OK of voter IDs likely to spur more such laws "The Supreme Court's decision to uphold Indiana's photo ID law in elections will permit ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 04-28-2008

The latest news on Food crisis, Torture, Afghanistan, Food crisis, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, McCain's faith, Housing crisis, Torture, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Zimbabwe, Darfur, and Op-Eds.

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Food crisis. UN meeting to address food crisis "Key United Nations development agencies are meeting in Switzerland to try to develop solutions to ease the escalating global food crisis." The New Economics of Hunger "The food price shock now roiling world markets is destabilizing governments, igniting street riots an ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 04-25-2008

The latest news on Economy, Faith-based schools, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Executions, New lobby group, Faith and politics, Feature-Tony Hall, Food aid, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Iran, Israel-Gaza, Syria, Darfur, Pakistan, Reformed Islam and Op-Ed.

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Economy. Haggling over farm bill hurts those on food aid "The continued failure of Congress to approve a final version of the 2007 farm bill could adversely affect low-income families who rely on food stamps and other federal nutrition assistance as food prices continue their dramatic rise,"

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 04-24-2008

The last news on McCain on poverty, Democratic primaries, Children, Petraeus to Central Command, Rice panic, Farm bill, Housing crisis, Zimbabwe, North Korea-Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Russia-Church/State, Israel, and Editorial.

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McCain on poverty. McCain talks poverty in Appalachia "Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) tried to position himself somewhere between Johnson and Reagan

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 04-23-2008

The latest news on Pennsylvania primary, Zimbabwe, US prisons, Pennsylvania primary, Analysis, US prisons, Death penalty, Food crisis, Free trade, NAFTA, Zimbabwe, Darfur, Nation-building, North Korea, Editorial, and Op-Eds.

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Pennsylvania primary. Clinton Takes Pennsylvania "Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won the Pennsylvania presidential primary decisively, running up a 10-percentage-point victory that bolstered her case for staying in the race for the Democratic nomination."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 04-22-2008

The latest news on Pensylvania primary, US military, Veterans, Education, Death penalty, Poverty in Africa, Paraguay, Iraqi Christians, Israel-Hamas, Aramaic in Syria, North Korea, Zimbabwe, and Op-Ed.

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Pensylvania primary. Clinton needs big win today "Senator Hillary Clinton faces the toughest test yet of her struggle to capture the Democratic nomination in today's Pennsylvania primary: Not only must she score an expected win, she must beat her rival, Senator Barack Obama, by a large enough margin to convince party leaders that she would be the stronger nominee in the fall."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 04-21-2008

The latest news on Benedict XVI visit, Presidential primary, Justice Revival, Veterans sue, Immigration, Iraq war funding, TV analysts & Pentagon, Food crisis, Paraguay, Iraq, Zimbabwe, Hamas & Israel, and Op-Ed.

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Benedict XVI visit. Pope Ends Visit With Yankee Stadium Mass "Before a crowd of nearly 60,000 people at Yankee Stadium, Pope Benedict XVI ended his first visit to the United States as leader of the Roman Catholic Church with a reminder to the faithful that "obedience" to the authority of the church,"

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 04-15-2008

The latest news on Economy, Papal visit, Divorce, Carter in Israel, Zimbabwe, and Editorials.

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Economy. Foreclosures surge "Home foreclosure filings surged 57 percent in the 12 month-period ended in March and bank repossessions soared 129 percent from a year ago, as homeowners struggled to make mortgage payments," Retailing Chains Caught in a Wave of Bankruptcies "The consumer spending slump and tightening credit markets are unleashing a widening wave of bankruptcies in American ...