Duane Shank was Associate Editor for Sojourners magazine and was on the staff from 1995 to 2014. 

Duane has been active as an organizer and administrator in the peace and justice movement for 35 years, beginning as a draft resistance and antiwar organizer during the Vietnam war. He has worked as a community organizer in the rural south, in interfaith coalitions, and in the nuclear weapons freeze and Central America solidarity movements of the 1980s. His positions have included Associate for the National Inter-religious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors; National Coordinator for the Committee Against Registration and the Draft; Deputy Director and Acting Executive Director for SANE/Freeze; and Research Fellow for the Institute for Policy Studies.

Duane attended Eastern Mennonite University. He is a Anabaptist/Mennonite, and currently an active member and serves on the worship leadership team of the Community of Christ ecumenical congregation in the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood of Washington, D.C. His views on faith and politics have been shaped by (among others), John Howard Yoder, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Oscar Romero.

Duane is married to Ellen Kennel. They have a daughter, Celeste, a graduate of Goshen College, IN, the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago Divinity School.

In addition to family, church, and work; his passions are baseball (Washington Nationals), blues (Buddy Guy and Stevie Ray Vaughan) and bluegrass music (Ralph Stanley), and barbecue.


Posts By This Author

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-15-2008

the latest news on the University shooting, Bush to Africa, Republican campaign, Democrat campaign, surveillance, Billy Graham recovering, Contempt of Congress, Attacks on homeless people, Darfur-Chad, Canada-Afghanistan, Iran, Kenya, Climate change and oceans, Globalization and the church

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University shooting. 6th NIU student dies; 4 identified "The gunman dressed in black stormed into an oceanography class Thursday afternoon and opened fire with a shotgun and two handguns. In a matter of seconds, he killed six and wounded 15."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-14-2008

The latest news on Ban torture, Presidential primaries, Church & politics, Climate Change, Surveillance, Immigration, China-Darfur, Israel threatened, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan-Australia, Hunger & Biofuels, Bush to visit Africa, Commentary, and Editorials.

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Today's prayer request. Graham alert after surgery "Charlotte-born evangelist Billy Graham, 89, underwent a 28-minute operation Wednesday that updated the valve for a shunt regulating pressure in his brain."

Ban torture. Senate ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-13-2008

The latest news on Primaries, Surveillance, Mortgage crisis, Writers strike, Rev. Wright retires, Australia, Iran, Waterboarding, Iraq, Nuclear weapons, Canada-Afghanistan, Darfur, Kenya, Hezbollah leader killed, and Irrigation.

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Primaries. Obama on primary roll "It's time to remove the asterisk from the candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential race. And it is perhaps time to place one on the candidacy of the presumed Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-12-2008

The latest news on 9-11 trials, Immigration, Primary campaigns, Evangelical voters, Budget, Farm Bill Climate change, Mortgage crisis, Journalism, Iran, Iraq, Darfur, and Archbishop.

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9-11 trials. U.S. to Try 6 On Capital Charges Over 9/11 Attacks 'The Bush administration announced that it intends to bring capital murder charges against half a dozen men allegedly linked to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,'

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-11-2008

The latest news on Campaign-Democrats, Campaign-Republicans, Budget, Congress, School vouchers, Immigration, Environoment, Chad-Darfur, Iraq, Pakistan, Israel-Gaza, Arms control, Iran, Book reviews, and Opinion.

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Campaign-Democrats. Obama Defeats Clinton in Maine Caucuses "Barack Obama defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton in Maine presidential caucuses Sunday, grabbing a majority of delegates as the state's Democrats overlooked the snowy weather and turned out in heavy numbers for municipal gatherings."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-08-2008

The latest news on Presidential campaigns, Evangelicals, Democratic campaign, Stimulus, Waterboarding, Veterans, New Army doctrine, Immigration, Biofuel, Hungry in Ohio, National Prayer Breakfast, Islamic law in UK, Iraq, Gaza, Iran, Pakistan, Chad and Opinion.

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Presidential campaigns. Romney out; McCain seeks unity "Sen. John McCain yesterday told conservatives to overcome past disagreements and trust him to carry their banner on national security and cutting spending," Romney Out, McCain Looks Ahead "Sen. John McCain effectively sealed the Republican presidential nomination yesterday when ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-07-2008

The latest news on Stimulus, Presidential campaigns, Free trade, Green communities, Immigration, Iraq, Torture, Gaza, Canada, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chad, and Editorial.

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Stimulus. Senate's Stimulus Measure Blocked "A $158 billion economic stimulus plan drafted by Senate Democrats that included relief for low-income seniors, disabled veterans and the unemployed was blocked by a Republican filibuster when the Senate fell a single vote short of the 60 needed to consider the measure."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-06-2008

The latest news on Tornadoes, Super Tuesday primaries, Pakistan, McClatchy newspapers, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, CNN Politics, Evangelical voters, Congress-stimulus, Congress-global warming, Gaza, Iraq, Iran, Chad, and Afghanistan.

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Politics isn't the most important news. Please pray for everyone affected by these storms. Southern Residents Assess Tornado Damage "Residents in five Southern states tried to salvage what they could from homes reduced to piles of debris, a day after the deadliest cluster of tornadoes in nearly a decade tore through the region, ...

Super Tuesday Liveblog: The Bible Belt Speaks

by Duane Shank 02-06-2008

Interesting exit poll results from five southern "Bible-belt" states. Of those who identify as "Born-again or evangelical Christians," Mike Huckabee won their votes. In all but one, John McCain came in second, and Mitt Romney third. Here are the numbers:


Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-05-2008

The latest news on Super Tuesday, Budget, Military budget, Veterans, Immigrants, EITC, Climate change, Canada, Israel, Afghanistan, Chad, Christians in Pakistan, and Colombia protest.

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Super Tuesday. As 24 States Vote, a Grab for Delegates, and an Edge"There will be plenty of trends to track in Tuesday's free-for-all, as 43 contests in 24 states allocate 3,156 delegates on what could be the most significant day of the race to date."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-04-2008

the lastest news on
Budget, Presidential Campaign, Job loss, Baptists Chard-Darfur, Iraq, Middle East, Gaza, Colombia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and selected Opinions.

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Budget. Bush budget sees bigger deficits as economy slows "U.S. President George W. Bush acknowledged on Monday a weaker economy would lead to higher budget deficits, as he unveiled a $3.1 trillion spending plan for fiscal year 2009 that would nearly freeze domestic programs. The budget makes military spending and the Iraq war its centerpiece, proposing a 7.5 percent increase for the Pentagon to $515 billion. On top of that Bush also sought $70 billion more for the conflicts in ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-01-2008

The lastest news on Budget, Economy, Campaign_Democrats, Campaign-Republicans, National Guard, Immigration, Iraq, Afghanistan, Malaria, Global warming, Human Rights, Israeli military, North Korea, Mexico, Baptists, Churches and Super Bowl, and Opinion.

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Budget. 2009 Budget Seeks Spending Freeze "President Bush's $3 trillion budget for fiscal 2009, scheduled for release Monday, will seek a virtual freeze on domestic spending programs while cutting billions of dollars from federal health programs to reach his goal of balancing the budget by 2012,"

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 01-31-2008

The latest news on Republican debate, John Edwards, Economy, Trade agreements, Homeless in Columbus, Wages in Iowan, Baptists, Soldiers and vets, Afghanistan, Lebanon war report, Iraq, Saudi women's rights, Native people, Iran, Kenya, Gandhi, Editorial, and Opinion.

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Republican debate. Accusations fly at Republican debate "John McCain and Mitt Romney carried their bitter Florida clash into California, each impugning the other's honesty in a hot-tempered debate as they sought to attract voters casting ballots in five days in a coast-to-coast array of primaries and caucuses. "

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 01-30-2008

The latest news on Candidates withdraw, Economy, Republicans in Florida, Signing bypasses legislation, Faith-based programs, Catholic schools, Baptists, Iraq, Kenya, Iran, Gaza, Pakistan, and Editorial.

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Candidates withdraw. Edwards suspends presidential campaign "Democrat John Edwards bowed out of the race for the White House on Wednesday, saying it was time to step aside "so that history can blaze its path" in a campaign now left to Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 01-29-2008

The latest news on State of the Union, Democratic response, Republican campaign, Democratic campaign, Economy, War funding, Latino evangelicals, Baptists, Health insurance, Immigrants, Iraq, Gaza, Kenya, Darfur, Russia, and selected Op-Eds.

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State of the Union. Bush Speech Focuses on War and Taxes"Facing an unstable economy and an unfinished war, President Bush used his final State of the Union address to call for quick passage of his tax rebate package, patience in Iraq and a modest concluding agenda." Bush lays out a ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 01-28-2008

The latest news on The State of the Union, Presidential campaign, Democrats, Republicans, Minority kids, Poverty, Religion, Global warming-Canada, Iraq, Gaza, Pakistan, Kenya, Editorials, and Opinions.

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State of the Union. State of Union To Touch On War, Economy "For years, President Bush and his advisers expressed frustration that the White House received little credit for the nation's strong economic performance because of public discontent about the Iraq war. Today, the president is getting little credit for improved security in Iraq, as the public increasingly focuses on a struggling U.S. economy."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 01-25-2008

The latest news on Economy, Republicans, Democrats, Homelessness, Family Leave Act. Wolfowitz is back, Gaza, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Kenya, Editorial, and Opinion.

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Economy. Bush, House Hammer Out $150 Billion Stimulus Bill "House leaders and the Bush administration reached agreement on a $150 billion economic stimulus package that would quickly send hundreds of dollars to poor and middle-class workers while offering businesses one-time incentives to invest in new equipment."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 01-24-2008

the latest news on Economy, Faith & politics, Republican campaign, Democratic campaign, Children's health insurance, Davos, Gaza, Pakistan, Canada_Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Editorial, and Commentary.

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Economy. Bush and Congress Nearing a Deal on Stimulus"Congressional leaders and the Bush administration were close to reaching a deal on a $145 billion economic stimulus package as the Treasury Department crunched the numbers on components of the plan"

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 01-23-2008

Economy, Democrats, Republicans, Army recruiting, Abortion, Congo, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, Global poverty, features and selected op-eds.

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Economy. Poor still suffering from last recession "Many of the poorest people in the United States are still struggling to recover from the effects of a recession that ended six years ago, making them very vulnerable as the country stands on the brink of a new downturn." Bush, Lawmakers Are Close to Deal on Stimulus ...

Beliefnet Survey on Religion and Politics

by Duane Shank 01-22-2008

Faith and politics continues to be a major storyline in the election campaigning. Beliefnet is interested in what you think about the mix of religion and politics in this year's election. Click here and check out the survey on Religion and [...]