Daily News Digest | Sojourners

Daily News Digest

The latest news on Economy, Papal visit, Divorce, Carter in Israel, Zimbabwe, and Editorials.

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Economy. Foreclosures surge "Home foreclosure filings surged 57 percent in the 12 month-period ended in March and bank repossessions soared 129 percent from a year ago, as homeowners struggled to make mortgage payments," Retailing Chains Caught in a Wave of Bankruptcies "The consumer spending slump and tightening credit markets are unleashing a widening wave of bankruptcies in American retailing, prompting thousands of store closings that are expected to remake suburban malls and downtown shopping districts across the country."

Food crisis. Bush releases $200 million in emergency food aid "President George W. Bush ordered the release of $200 million in U.S. emergency food aid to help alleviate food shortages in developing countries in Africa and elsewhere," ANC warns Mugabe against run-off "Thabo Mbeki, the South African president, is contradicted by his own party on Zimbabwe as its leaders say fresh vote would be 'undemocratic and unprecedented'."


Our debt to Jimmy Carter (Haaretz) "Whether Carter's approach to conflict resolution is considered by the Israeli government as appropriate or defeatist, no one can take away from the former U.S. president his international standing, nor the fact that he brought Israel and Egypt to a signed peace that has since held."