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Daily News Digest

The latest news on Burma, Dem primaries, War spending, Farm bill, Execution, Race & prison, Iraq, Kenya, Iran, Darfur, African summit, Op-Ed.

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Burma. Death toll rises to 22,000 as Burma appeals for aid "The death toll from the Burmese cyclone today rose above 22,000, with another 41,000 people still missing, as the country's military regime admitted it was struggling to cope." Burma's cyclone death toll soars "Meanwhile, criticism is mounting over the handling of the crisis by Burma's military leaders." Aid agencies begin difficult relief operation in Burma "International aid workers are beginning the task of trying to get emergency supplies to the thousands of people stranded by cyclone Nargis in Burma, as charities describe the devastation as similar to the tsunami that struck Asia in 2004."

Dem primaries. Clinton, Obama making final pitches 'Sen. Barack Obama predicted a close outcome in the critical Indiana primary as he and Sen. Hillary Clinton made their final, frantic pitches in Indiana and North Carolina." Who's More Red, White and Blue-Collar? "The presidential race has turned into a riveting competition for ordinariness, as both campaigns have concluded that whoever does a better job of winning over voters like Winschief -- an average blue-collar man in an average American town of 60,000 -- is more likely to triumph in Tuesday's primaries in Indiana and North Carolina." For Primaries in Two States, a Variety of Scenarios "But to say that both sides are anxious would be an understatement, and with that in mind, here are three possible outcomes to watch for Tuesday, in no particular order: Mrs. Clinton wins both states, Mr. Obama does, or they split:"

War spending. Democrats Set to Defy Bush on War Bill "Defying President Bush, House Democrats are preparing to forge ahead with a war spending measure that would include extended unemployment assistance and new educational benefits for returning veterans."

Farm bill. Farm Bill Negotiators Cut Funds for Overseas School Lunch Program "House and Senate negotiators bargaining over a new farm bill have reduced funding for a key school lunch program for poor children abroad and agreed to sharply expand nutrition programs for low-income families and children in the United States."

Execution. Ga. execution would be first since Supreme Court ruling " Georgia moved forward with preparations to execute a convicted killer, who on Tuesday night could become the first inmate put to death since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a three-drug lethal injection procedure."

Race & prison. Reports Find Racial Gap in Drug Arrests "Despite public debate and limited efforts to reduce them, large disparities persist in the rate at which blacks and whites are arrested and imprisoned for drug offenses, even though the two races use illegal drugs at roughly equal rates."

Iraq. Iraqi militia commanders harden stance toward U.S. "Elements of the Mahdi Army are engaged in an intense conflict with rival Shiite Muslim parties in the Iraqi government that benefit from their own close ties to Iran and, more advantageously, the assistance of America's superior firepower." Iran Halts Talks With U.S. on Iraq "As American strikes on Shiite fighters in Baghdad have widened, Iran has suspended talks with the United States on Iraqi security, with the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Monday citing the continued offensive as the reason."

Kenya. Scarred by Strife After Election, Kenya Begins to Heal"For the first time since Kenya's disputed election erupted in crisis in December, the government has started a large-scale operation to resettle thousands of people violently driven off their land."

Iran. Iran rejects nuclear inspections unless Israel allows them "An Iranian envoy said Monday his government will not submit to extensive nuclear inspections while Israel stays outside the global treaty to curb the spread of atomic weapons."

Darfur. Sudan accused of Darfur air attack "Sudanese government forces have been accused of bombing a primary school and a market in Darfur, killing at least 13 people, including seven children."

African summit. Tanzania summit to draw African and African-American leaders "More than a thousand prominent African-American leaders, executives, entertainers and activists will head to Tanzania for a summit with their African counterparts to help raise living standards on the world's poorest continent."


A Slap at Schoolchildren (George McGovern and Bob Dole, Washington Post) "How can schoolchildren be denied meals while a farm bill promises millions in subsidies for wealthy farmers?"