Daily News Digest | Sojourners

Daily News Digest

the latest news on Economy, Sen. Obama-Rev. Wright, McCain's health plan, Iraq, Vets education, Child abuse, Payday lending-Ohio, New Orleansschools, Ethanol and food, Food crisis, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Tony Blair's faith, and Editorial.

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Economy. Foreclosures double, home prices tumble "The most severe real estate recession in decades appears far from over, with the pace of foreclosures rising, the fall in home prices accelerating and the pain spreading to nearly every major U.S. city." Economy puts heat on politicians "Rising anxiety over the economy, especially soaring gasoline and food prices, is forcing politicians from Capitol Hill to the White House to the campaign trail to scramble for a response." Myriad Crises on the Nation's Doorstep, but Inertia in Official Washington "Americans are pumping their paychecks into their gas tanks, and the economy is in a stall. Food scarcities threaten governments overseas and spur hoarding at home. Foreclosures are up, home sales are down. Progress in Iraq and Afghanistan is halting. Despite this confluence of crises on the nation's doorstep, official Washington is beset by election-year inertia."

Sen. Obama-Rev. Wright. Obama outraged by Wright "Engulfed in fresh controversy over new inflammatory remarks by his retiring pastor, Barack Obama made a public break with Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., denouncing the minister's latest comments as "outrageous," "appalling" and a contradiction of the senator's life work." Obama's Break With Ex-Pastor Sets Sharp Shift in Tone "Senator Barack Obama broke forcefully with his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., in an effort to curtail a drama of race, values, patriotism and betrayal that has enveloped his presidential candidacy at a critical juncture." The Rev. Wright's comments alarm black ministers in Los Angeles "African American ministers in Los Angeles expressed angst and concern that a fresh round of comments by Sen. Barack Obama's former pastor was hurting the Democratic presidential candidate's campaign and skewing public understanding of the black church."

McCain's health plan. McCain offers health plan "Sen. John McCain rejected calls by his Democratic opponents for universal health coverage, instead offering a market-based solution with an approach similar to a proposal put forth by President Bush last year." Federal Money in Health Care Plan From McCain "Mr. McCain's health care plan would shift the emphasis from insurance provided by employers to insurance bought by individuals, to foster competition and drive down prices."

Iraq. U.S. Role Deepens in Sadr City "A four-hour battle between U.S. soldiers and Shiite militiamen left at least 28 Iraqis dead in the capital's Sadr City neighborhood, making it one of the bloodiest days in a month of sustained street fighting." Baghdad clashes 'leave 400 dead' "More than 400 people have been killed in fighting over the last month between Shia gunmen and US and Iraqi forces, hospital officials in Baghdad say." Gates: Lull in Iraq over as U.S. deaths reach 7-month high "U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates acknowledged that a seven-month lull in U.S. troops deaths in Iraq has come to an end and blamed the bloodshed on Shiite Muslim militiamen