Daily News Digest | Sojourners

Daily News Digest

China earthquake,Burma, Immigration raid, Immigrants, Ohio-Poverty Summit, McCain-global warming, Racism, Housing, Rep. Barney Frank, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, and Op-Eds.

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China earthquake.Search for China quake survivors "A massive search and rescue operation is under way in south-western China after one of the most powerful earthquakes in decades." Use all means to get aid to Burma, says EU chief "The international community should use all possible means to deliver aid to victims of the Burma cyclone despite the reluctance of the country's ruling military junta, the EU foreign policy chief said today." Myanmar cyclone victims getting low-quality supplies "Many cyclone victims are getting spoiled food from Myanmar's junta instead of the high-quality supplies being delivered by foreign governments and charities, victims and aid workers said Tuesday."

Immigration raid. ID fraud claims bring state's largest raid "The largest workplace raid in Iowa history Monday resulted in the arrest of more than 300 people and reignited the debate over immigration." Hundreds arrested in immigration raid at Postville plant "Federal Immigration agents on Monday arrested more than 300 people in Postville during a raid at the nation's largest kosher meatpacking plant." Immigration raid: Town's Hispanics shutter businesses, scatter "The phone calls started at 5 a.m. They carried the same message: Immigration was coming.

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