Daily News Digest | Sojourners

Daily News Digest

The latest news on Burma, Evangelical Manifesto, Dem primaries, McCain on judges, Death penalty, Immigrants, Food crisis, Consumers & environment, Israel, and US-Russia.

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Burma cyclone. Aid arriving in cyclone-hit Burma "Neighbouring countries and the UN have dispatched planes carrying supplies - amid complaints that ruling generals are hampering the foreign aid effort." Israel. Olmert under renewed pressure to resign"Israel's prime minister, Ehud Olmert, is coming under pressure to resign after an American millionaire was reported to be embroiled in a high-level bribery investigation involving him."

US-Russia. U.S., Russia Sign Pact On Nuclear Cooperation "The United States and Russia signed a long-sought agreement on civilian nuclear cooperation, which officials said would offer Russia lucrative new business while limiting the risk of material being used for weapons."

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