
Nontando Hadebe 10-31-2008

"Wathinta abafazi, wathinta imbhokodo." (You touch a woman, you touch a rock.)

Mimi Haddad 10-28-2008
How many of you love listening to people who are retired discuss their life achievements?
Julie Clawson 10-27-2008
I'd heard the buzz within Christians circles about the "number one inspirational film in America." Everything from "this movie shows what true faith really is" to "this movie will save your marria
Mimi Haddad 10-21-2008
I met an extraordinary teenager recently who had come to faith in a small town in Latvia. He was passionate about Jesus and wanted to live his life fully for Christ.
Jim Wallis 10-16-2008
In last evening's presidential debate, the first steps were taken toward a new national conversation about abortion. For too many years, the old one hadn't changed very much.
Becky Garrison 10-15-2008

Clint Eastwood's latest feature Changeling (opens October 24) depicts the real life story of Christine Collins (Angelina Jolie), a working class single mom living in Los Angeles circa 1928.

Mimi Haddad 10-10-2008
For egalitarians, it is an appeal to scripture rather than liberal political thought (as Sarah Sumner suggested in Christianit
Kaitlin Barker 10-07-2008

Near the Vatican in October 2001, Janice Sevre-Duszynska and fellow advocates hung a banner calling in seven different languages for the ordination of women. Almost seven years later, the fruit of that action and many others like it was realized. Janice's long-awaited and hard-fought ordination Mass took place Aug. 9, 2008, in Lexington, Kentucky.

Mimi Haddad 10-01-2008
Last week I celebrated the political prominence women enjoy today as a direct extension of the gains earned for women by early evangelica
Mimi Haddad 9-25-2008
Regardless of your political affiliation or inclinations, the presidential campaign this year has been one of "firsts" for women.
Jim Wallis 9-03-2008

Most of the speeches at the Democratic National Convention were politically predictable; the same was true on the first night of the Republican National Convention. Sarah Palin's speech tonight will be worth watching, considering all the attention her nomination has received, and of course John McCain's acceptance speech on Thursday night will be very important, just as Barack Obama's was in Denver.

But one thing looked very different on the first night of the Republican [...]

Andrew Wilkes 8-27-2008

Evangelical women and minorities, it seems, exist on the muted margins of political discourse in America. If a justice revival is to sweep over America once more, from the suburban megachurch to the urban storefront church, then Christians must pursue a vision of the common good for all -- and not the common good of a few.

The public narratives of the media often chronicle the broadening social concerns of white [...]

Molly Marsh 6-01-2008

Faith-based groups fight violence against women.

Julie Polter 4-01-2008

Who needs a charity ball when you can have a potluck?

Rose Marie Berger 3-01-2007

A new wave of Catholic women answers the call to ordination priesthood - an act of ecclesial disobedience.

Asra Q. Nomani 3-01-2007

Muslim women seek the renewal of Islam.

Reflections on the Revised Lectionary, Cycle C