
John Gehring 11-06-2009
As an urbanite fortunate to live within walking distance of work and trendy restaurants, I rarely drive these days.
Jim Wallis 10-15-2009

Last week, a group of senators, many in the leadership of the majority Democratic Party, asked for a meeting with a small group of interfaith religious leaders. Their topic: climate change. The Senate now has a bill that will soon be up for a vote and the 10 senators wanted our feedback -- and also our support. I was asked to say a few words.

Randy Woodley 10-05-2009
Last week Ken Burns unleashed his new series on America's national parks, subtitled "America's Best Idea." The cinematography is incredible and Ken Burns is known as a progressive thinker.
Matthew Soerens 10-02-2009
The Los Angeles Times reported last week that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service
Mark Van Steenwyk 9-28-2009

My 1.5 year old son Jonas broke his first law last month.

Chris Baker Evens 7-24-2009

Development is a word full of hope. It brings to mind water pumps and rice banks, bridges and education, smiling children and sky-scraping financial institutions. Yet there is a dark side to development.

On Friday, July 17th, at 4 a.m., this dark side showed its face when

Julie Clawson 7-15-2009

I've been following the news story of New Zealand Olympic hopeful Logan Campbell. If you haven't heard, he's the taekwondo athlete who said he was forced to open a brothel to cover his training expenses for the 2012 London Olympics.

Amanda Lind 7-10-2009

Two weeks ago Sunday I awoke to my cell phone ringing at 6:45 a.m. In my sleepy delirium I answered it to hear the agitated voice of Isidra, a friend and "hermana" from our church in Flor del Campo, a marginalized neighborhood near the airport of Tegucigalpa.

Jim Wallis 6-26-2009
I spent this week at a clergy conference in Liverpool, England, where the theme was the Justice of God: "Just by God, Just with God, Just for God." One of my presentations focused on Jesus' story
Cesar Baldelomar 4-16-2009
As Christians, our continual task is to explore and mediate on Jesus' teachings, as well as to emulate his deeds.
Chuck Collins 4-13-2009
Where are the prophetic voices on the topic of taxation this April 15?

Cesar Baldelomar 4-03-2009
Jesus, who was a Palestinian Jew living under Roman occupation, preached a message that was anti-state and religious imperialism.
Elizabeth Palmberg 3-11-2009
[continued from part one] Recently, Neil Watkins took some time to answer a few questions fr
Elizabeth Palmberg 3-11-2009
Recently, Neil Watkins took some time to answer a few questions from Sojourners assistant editor Elizabeth Palmberg about the upcoming G-20 meeting, the global economic crisis, and hel
Lauren Maxwell 1-30-2009
When I think of Immokalee, my mind remembers a place where reconciliation has come alive.
Michaela Bruzzese 12-04-2008
A few years ago, as I and the rest of the audience waited patiently for a passion play to begin, a homeless man burst into the church and began running up the aisle, screaming.
Chuck Collins 10-27-2008

After three decades of "concentrate the wealth," we could really use some "spreading the wealth."

Jim Wallis 10-15-2008

In case you missed it ... The conversations that ensue from any post I write vary widely in their civility and productivity. "A Pastoral Strategy for an Economic Crisis" certainly stood out.

EricHS put it like this...