
John Gehring 7-31-2009
When the United States and the Soviet Union stared into the abyss of nuclear Armageddon during the Cold War, filmmaker Stanley Kubrick began reading obscure journals like the Bulletin of the At
Nontando Hadebe 7-27-2009
The government of Zimbabwe, in a groundbreaking move, dedicated this past weekend to renouncing political violence and promoting national healing.
Chris Baker Evens 7-24-2009

Development is a word full of hope. It brings to mind water pumps and rice banks, bridges and education, smiling children and sky-scraping financial institutions. Yet there is a dark side to development.

On Friday, July 17th, at 4 a.m., this dark side showed its face when

Just peace theory recognizes that there is more than one kind of violence.
He was taken before the authorities and subjected to abuse and beatings. No one arose to defend his case with the integrity it deserved.
Aaron Taylor 7-13-2009

Mauritania is a land of striking beauty, with sand dunes lined against the sky, Bedouins riding camels in the countryside, and flying beetles that look like they come straight from the abyss of the Apocalypse. Mauritania is also a land of extremes-extreme beauty, extreme hospitality, and lately, extreme religion.

I attended a candle light vigil in D.C. last Thursday for those who've died in Iran's recent protests.

As the situation regarding the military ouster of Honduras' President Manuel Zelaya continues to develop, I Metroed across town to the U.S. State Department to photograph a protest calling for cutting off U.S. aid to Honduras until Zelaya's reinstatement.

On June 8, Pastor Reinel Martinez Medina testified before the Colombian Congress on the execution of his brother at the hands of Colombian Public Security Forces: "I dare to speak out about my brot
Anna Almendrala 6-18-2009
An interview with a man and his children in an Internally Displaced Person (refugee) camp quickly devolves into a father desperately trying to sell his smallest child to the cameraman.
I have never met you but I have to thank you. You are half a world a way but I'm watching you on TV, reading blogs, looking at pictures and following your Twitter updates.
Brian McLaren 6-17-2009
Jim Wallis is one of the most talented interviewees I've ever known. He knows how to get substance, not just spin, into a sound byte, and he has an amazing ability to think on his feet.
Anyone watching the news over the past couple of months will have noticed a flurry of action from two of the nations in former President Bush's infamous "Axis of Evil." North Korea tested a long-ra
Eugene Cho 6-16-2009

Are you tracking with the developments in Iran? I'd love to hear your thoughts:

How are you processing the election protests in Iran? What are your thoughts and emotions?

Jim Wallis 6-16-2009
Elections -- indeed the democratic process itself -- shape countries, culture, and the future, no matter what their outcome.

Gabriel Salguero 6-12-2009
Much has been said about President Obama's speech to the Muslim world from Cairo, Egypt.
Jim Wallis 6-11-2009
Words have consequences. In the past few weeks, we have seen just how dire those consequences can be.
Nate Van Duzer 6-11-2009
In a March interview with 60 Minutes, President Obama declared about the esc
Jim Wallis 6-10-2009
Few biblical figures stand out for their bravery as Esther does. Faced with a looming order for the systematic extermination of her people, she risked her life and broke the silence.