
Rose Marie Berger 1-01-2010

Sister Linda Fuselier was my first-grade teacher. It was 1969 at St. Ignatius Catholic School in Sacramento, California.

Molly Marsh 1-01-2010

Power of the Word

Joel Heng Hartse 12-29-2009
Malcolm Gladwell, in his popular book The Tipping Point, names three types of people who do the work of making social movements succeed: Connectors, who bring us together, Mavens, who conn
I do not remember where I learned the idea that the hand represents a pattern of prayer. I do not recall my mother or other teachers teaching it to me.
I recently returned from 8 days in Melbourne Australia where I attended the 2009 Parliament of the World's Religions.
Becky Garrison 12-18-2009

I first connected Nick Fiedler at Soularize 2007 and have since followed the adventures of this Atlanta-based twenty-something writer, podcaster, Apple employee, world traveler, and amateur s

Eugene Cho 12-17-2009
Here's a post from one of my favorite blogs titled, 'Stand Up for Christmas?'.
Lynne Hybels 12-08-2009
I refuse to write a blog about how overwhelmed I am by the holiday season. I'm not going to wax eloquent about how the season I loved most as a child has become the source of excruciating stress.
Tracey Bianchi 12-02-2009
It's time to haul out the Christmas lights and stockings, Advent calendars, and odd-shaped Santa pillows from grandparents. Every year I sort of dread dragging all the chaos out of the basement.
Diana Butler Bass 11-30-2009
"There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations caused by the roaring of the sea and the waves," proclaims Jesus in the gospel of Luke.
The United States is a country that is at once overweight and hungry. There are those among us who are overweight and obese. There are those among us who live with food insecurity.
Shane Claiborne 11-23-2009

As some of you know (though I know not many of you keep up with the latest men's magazines) -- Esquire magazine's end of the year "Best and Brightest" edition named me one of the "Radicals and Rebels Who Are Changing the World"... but I wanted you to know the story behind the hype.

Cathleen Falsani 11-16-2009
Compassion is, by one definition, "a deep awareness and sympathy for another's suffering."

Cathleen Falsani 11-11-2009
Do you find yourself adding more to your to-do list, even though you already feel overwhelmed?

Are your weekends just as jam-packed as your workdays?

Jim Wallis 11-04-2009
A story I have written about before and preached on time and time again recently took on new meaning for me.
Alexis Vaughan 11-03-2009
There is a line in the Riga Veda, a collection of ancient Hindu scripture, that says "Truth is One, but the sages speak of it by many names." I had heard of this before, but hadn't given i