
Truth. Respect. Security.

Jim Wallis 5-18-2009
Two days, in comparison to years of conflict, is not a lot of time, but it was long enough for a broad spectrum of Christian leaders to find hope in a growing consensus around a way forward for pea
Shane Claiborne 4-21-2009

"Good" Friday was real good this year. We remembered Jesus, and we remembered Jesus disguised in the "least of these" -- those who continue to be tortured, spit on, slapped, insulted, misunderstood

Brian McLaren 4-16-2009

I've written a lot on Palestine and Gaza in recent years. Any of us who travel (or read) know that peace in the world can't be separated from peace in Israel -- peace for Jews, and peace for Muslim and Christian Palestinians.

Ishmael and Isaac, brothers of the same father and different mothers, together buried their father Abraham. Esau and Jacob, twin brother and rivals, reconciled.
Jim Rice 3-01-2009
Lessons from Gaza.
Lynne Hybels 2-13-2009
A year ago I became haunted by the notion that Christians, Muslims, and Jews are going to blow up the world unless we learn to get along.

We at Sojourners continue to be deeply concerned for the safety and well-being of Philip Rizk, who was arrested and detained by Egyptian secret police Friday evening following a rally north of Cairo in support of the people of Gaza.

Ben White 2-09-2009
My dear friend Philip Rizk was kidnapped on Friday night by Egyptian secret police.
Leonard Rodgers 2-09-2009

Friday evening I was in Washington D.C. and received an urgent message from Egypt. The major player in helping us get medical equipment into Egypt duirng the early days of the recent 22 day war in Gaza was Philip Rizk. Friday evening at 11 p.m.

Cathleen Falsani 2-02-2009

Former President Jimmy Carter just published a new book about the ongoing violent unrest in the Middle East titled, We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work.

Arthur Waskow 1-29-2009
Beyond anguish, what can we say about the massive death and destruction in Gaza and the traumatic fear of falling rockets in Israel?
J. Daryl Byler 1-27-2009
I began a fast for peace when Israeli troops entered the Gaza Strip. Last week, I ended the fast, as fighting has stopped and most if not all the troops have left Gaza.

Leonard Rodgers 1-16-2009

As of Thursday, the Red Cross reported 900 Palestinians from Gaza killed, half of them civilians, over 3,400 severely wounded, and 28,000 displaced from their homes. The special medical supplies which I brought here from the U.S., augmented by blankets and powdered milk and other food bought locally in Cairo, all seemed a drop in the bucket compared to the dimension of need.

This kind of feels close to an exercise in I-told-you-so, but for all the folks who assert that voting is a hopelessly corrupted exercise in irredeemable empire, consider as an indicator the testim
Nate Van Duzer 1-16-2009
A year ago I heard a Palestinian diplomat describe Capitol Hill as "Israeli-occupied territory" in a speech given at Georgetown University.
Why do we value blood and tears so cheap? Is it because we all own them? When we grieve the various losses that life brings to us, the tears seem to flow from some inexhaustible source.
Ali Elhajj 1-08-2009
It has been over a week now. Over 600 Palestinians and ten Israelis have been killed (seven of them soldiers), and 3,085 Palestinians have been injured.
A well-repeated Arab saying dealing with conflicts states: al bad'azlam, "the initiator [of a conflict] is the wrong one." So if you are trying to figure out who is wrong in the current ro