
Every dawning day we wake to the news of human violence against humanity. We see images of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who've traveled a long way from home to fight terrorists.
Cesar Baldelomar 9-29-2009
As a struggling Catholic, the uproar and division caused by conservative U.S.
Diana Butler Bass 9-29-2009

ABC's Nightline has been running a series on the Ten Commandments in which they explore the issues and dimensions of each commandment in contemporary society.

Mark Van Steenwyk 9-28-2009

My 1.5 year old son Jonas broke his first law last month.

There is some good conversation going around God's Politics partner blogs about what role race is playing in the current wave of opposition to Obama's policies, including Rep.
Efrem Smith 9-22-2009
It's always hard to narrow down Pastor Efrem's sermons to a few key minutes, and this one was no exception. Preaching from Matthew 25, he puts some extended focus on the health-care debate.
I love my fellow citizens who have taken to the street against President Obama and his plans for health-care reform.
Ernesto Tinajero 9-14-2009
My church started a community garden this summer. Our tomatoes, beans, and greens now grace the shelves of our food bank.
Jim Wallis 9-11-2009
Did you see it? It wasn't the leading story in The New York Times, The Washington Post, or most other daily newspapers.
Bart Campolo 9-08-2009
In 1958 the Teddy Bears released the song "To know him is to love him," which might as well have been called "To know, know, know, him is to love, love, love, him," since that's the way everybody r
Cathleen Falsani 9-04-2009

To work is to pray.

It's a Latin phrase that the Order of St. Benedict adopted as its motto.

St. Benedict, the founder of the order, recognized the sacred value of hard work, the notion that through the sweat of our brows and the strength of our arms and backs, we can worship the Creator.

LaVonne Neff 9-04-2009

Last week a friend who knows my dogs sent me a link to Wendy Francisco's wildly popular new song, "God and Dog" (more than half a million views at time of writing). G-o-d and d-o-G--two words, one kind of love. "They would stay with me all day; / I'm the one who walks away.

Yesterday, I heard a Christian leader say that the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 25 is not a reason for Christians to support universal health care guaranteed by their government.
Jim Wallis 9-03-2009
I have never really trusted those who are intolerant and condemning of other people's shortcomings. It makes me suspect they are likely hiding their own.
Aaron Taylor 8-31-2009
Wendell Potter worked for 15 years as the head of public relations for CIGNA, one of the largest health insurance companies in the U.S.
Shane Claiborne 8-28-2009
As we remember the eighth anniversary of the Sept.