
Diana Butler Bass 4-21-2009
"Progressive" has become the adjective of choice to describe faith communities with commitments to justice, serving the poor, and environmentalism.
Alan Bean 4-17-2009

NPR's Wade Goodwyn has been working on this story ever since he attended the premier of the film American Violet at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Hearne, Texas, three weeks ago.

Brian McLaren 4-16-2009

I've written a lot on Palestine and Gaza in recent years. Any of us who travel (or read) know that peace in the world can't be separated from peace in Israel -- peace for Jews, and peace for Muslim and Christian Palestinians.

Randy Woodley 4-15-2009
I consider myself a peacemaker and a patriot. I come from a long line of warriors and military servicemen.
Mimi Haddad 4-13-2009
As we celebrate Easter and Christ's empty tomb, we recognize that Calvary changes everything!
Jim Wallis 4-06-2009
A generation has now come of age now for which "Fall Out Shelter" signs are nothing but rusty remnants of a time long past.
She is a girl whose father sold her to strangers. They took her far from home, and now she is a prostitute. He works for no money paying off the debt of a long dead ancestor.
Eugene Cho 4-03-2009

One of my heroes is Frederick Douglass. I have a list of folks whose stuff I regularly read on and read about, and Frederick Douglass is one of them. Words in today's world have grown to be an interesting sensation. I believe in the power of words via teaching, preaching, blogging, writing, etc.

In this season of Lent, we often reflect on our need for greater humility as we seek to follow Christ on the road to Calvary.
Jim Wallis 3-30-2009
Barack Obama will be the ninth president awarded an honorary degree from the University of Notre Dame and the sixth president to address its graduates during commencement services.
Aaron Taylor 3-27-2009
As I write this post, I'm sitting in a hotel room in Eugene, Oregon waiting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies conference to start. It's nice to have a day to myself.

John Hope Franklin lived through most of the twentieth century. He was a gentle man, a scholar, an activist, and a truth-teller. He studied history and he helped to make it.

Jim Wallis 3-19-2009
Here we are again, and again, and again. It is not a new message or a new concern. People have been suffering, starving, raped, beaten and killed year in and year out.
Jeff Brazil 3-17-2009
It is said that everyone in the world is Irish today in honor of Saint Patrick.
Edward Gilbreath 3-10-2009
An article in the Chicago Tribune caught my attention this week.

Here's a recent conversation I had with Diana Butler Bass, author of the new book http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0061448702?ie=UTF8&tag=sojo_blog-20&lin...

Lent is a season of transition. It is a season of fasting, reflection, penance, and preparation.
Eugene Cho 2-19-2009
Are you a coward? Chicken? When it comes to the issue of race, why are Americans [including Christians] so reticent and reluctant to engage in honest conversations? What are we scared of?