
Margaret Benefiel 2-04-2010

In past years, the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, focused primarily on business and politics as usual. Any talk of the World Economic Forum's soul would have fizzled quickly.

Sondra Haaga 1-27-2010

America, dominating the global economy, imports more goods than it exports. What is less tangible, but possibly more important, is how America exports its values to a rapidly interconnecting global society.

Nontando Hadebe 1-22-2010
In a sermon on the situation in Haiti, Dr. Michael Van Heerden, president of St.
Julie Clawson 1-05-2010
The Out of Ur blog recently posted a video of N.T. Wright going off on the dangers of social media.
Tim Costello 12-21-2009
In cold, sleeplessness and utter frustration, Copenhagen's delegates witnessed a depressing conclusion of the glacial-speed negotiations on climate change.
Jarrod McKenna 12-16-2009

Many would have read reports of Rowan Williams wonderful sermon in Copenhagen. Below are some of my favorite quotes. What some may have missed is this fantastic talk he gave. ...

Tim Costello 12-15-2009
Yesterday was a day of high drama where Africa walked out, suspended talks, and then later in the day returned after the Danish facilitators took on some of their concerns.
Tim Costello 12-11-2009
In search of a global ethic and political will, in freezing weather and the most dispiriting cavernous building under cold grey Copenhagen skies, this search by 34,000 people with 3500 press observ
Hayley Hathaway 12-07-2009

Liberia is the most recent country to fall into the talons of a "vulture fund." Last week, British courts ruled that Liberia has to pay $20 million to two vulture funds, Wall Capital Ltd. and Hamsah Investments, for a debt that dates back to 1978.

Julie Clawson 11-30-2009
So the stores are playing Christmas music and down here in Texas the highs are only the 70s and 80s, so the holiday season must be upon us.
Julie Clawson 11-23-2009

I've gotten used to popular TV shows going the after-school special route and highlighting some issue or another. Granted, it boosts their ratings, but it also brings attention to issues that need attention.

Elizabeth Palmberg 11-18-2009
The World Summit on Food Security ended today in Rome, with words about cutting hunger, but no real progress on one of hunger's key causes: specula
LaVonne Neff 11-17-2009
I'm a cradle vegetarian. Didn't have even a bite of meat -- red or white, fish or fowl -- until I was maybe eleven years old, and then I lost my dietary virginity to a hot dog.
Becky Garrison 11-13-2009
In my ongoing quest to turn my travels into pilgrimages, I keep discovering resources that help me along the way.