
John Gehring 3-25-2009
When both the Left and Right begin sharpening their knives, it means you are on to something.
Tony Campolo 3-24-2009

When it comes to President Obama's stimulus package and its provisions to help those Americans who are having great difficulty paying their home mortgages, I have come to realize that I'm like the older brother in the story of the Prodigal Son.

In last week's SojoMail, the quote of the week was from an Israeli squad leader describing the incredulous reactions of his men when he took measures to protect civilian lives during the invasion of Gaza.

Michael Joseph 3-18-2009

I first heard of Idia and her missing husband, Pastor William Reyes

Troy Jackson 3-17-2009
In the March 10 edition of The Christian Science Monitor, Michael Spencer predicts "the coming evangelical collapse." Much
Tony Campolo 3-13-2009
Rick Warren, the most prominent evangelical pastor of our day, has established a highly successful program arranging teams from his church to help specific villages in Africa.
Lisa Ho 2-18-2009

A year ago, anyone driving around Columbus, Ohio, was likely to see a billboard with the slogan, "Love God?

With the bicentennials of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin the subject of numerous conferences, articles, and television shows this month, we also should remember another important commemoration in 2009: the centennial of the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Mimi Haddad 2-16-2009
Look at these astonishing verses from Romans 16.

Cathleen Falsani 2-10-2009

Chicago's own Dwight L. Moody, the great American evangelist of the 19th century, once said that of 100 people, one would read the Bible, and the other 99 would "read the Christian."

Cathleen Falsani 2-02-2009

Former President Jimmy Carter just published a new book about the ongoing violent unrest in the Middle East titled, We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work.

Charles Gutenson 1-26-2009
As a former theology and philosophy professor at Asbury Seminary, Sojourners' COO, Chuck Gutenson, is a walking encyclopedia of all things theological
In case you're not a loyal listener of PRI's This American Life (the Rodrick Beilers have passed many a long road trip with back-to-back-to-ba
David P. Gushee 1-23-2009
It is still hard to believe that the hopes we have nurtured in the Christian anti-torture movement would come to fruition -- and so early, and so comprehensively, as they did with President Obama's
Jim Wallis 1-22-2009

It's a better country than I thought it was. I honestly wouldn't have thought this possible. I guess I would have agreed with the older generation of African Americans in my neighborhood: This day would never come in our lifetimes-but here it is.

Lisa Sharon Harper 1-21-2009

We waited for 30 minutes. Standing, awkward, we looked up at the board. When I arrived at Penn Station the board said train #167, enroute to Washington D.C., "25 mins late"... Five minutes later, "30 mins late." The terminal filled up, more people standing -- waiting ... and wondering if the others hovering with backpacks and napsacks and yoga mats were all waiting for the same thing.

Jim Wallis 1-19-2009
The day after the inauguration, I will be joining with Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, and Christian leaders at the National Prayer Service for our new president.
Cathleen Falsani 1-16-2009
The first openly gay Episcopal bishop.

The first female president of the Disciples of Christ.