
Bart Campolo 7-17-2009
Recently a bunch of people e-mailed me the same New York Times column, which cited a variety of scientific research s
Jim Wallis 7-16-2009

"Judges are like umpires. Umpires don't make the rules; they apply them. The role of an umpire and a judge is critical. They make sure everybody plays by the rules.

Ernesto Tinajero 7-16-2009
Judge Sonia Sotomayor has begun jumping through the Senate's ritual hoops to become the next member of the Supreme Court.

A white woman is raped by a black man in North Carolina. During the assault, she studies his face, determined to bring him to justice. She later identifies a suspect both in photos and in-person line-ups. Only she's wrong.

Nicole Saylor 7-13-2009
"When the previous youth minister was here, he always filled in when the pastor was out," Bethany, a youth minister at a church in the southeastern U.S. told me.
Mimi Haddad 7-13-2009

As you may know, the question of whether women can serve as deacons has been recently debated among many evangelicals. Since scripture makes clear that Phoebe served as a deacon in the church in Cenchrea, there is an abundance of historical and archeological evidence that women deacons were upheld by the apostles. Both Clement of Alexandria and John Chrysostom recognize Phoebe was a deacon.

Brian McLaren 7-10-2009
Jim Wallis has provided a helpful summary of the Pope's encyclical Caritas in
Eugene Cho 7-09-2009
I really hope no one gets offended
Anna Almendrala 7-09-2009
Today Brave New Foundation launches the fifth segment of the Rethink Afghanistan documentary, Women of A
Alan Bean 7-08-2009

What lessons do we take away from the Jena 6 story? Six young men won't be dragging a felony conviction into adult life. That's reason for rejoicing, but as this saga approaches its third birthday, it's fair to ask if we have learned anything.

Edward Gilbreath 7-06-2009

You can't do church in the 21st century without a vision for cultural diversity, says author and theologian Soong-Chan Rah.

Jessi Colund 6-30-2009

I graduated from a wonderful Christian college about a year ago, and it was a great experience overall. However, one thing that really bothered me was the pressure felt by many of my friends-especially my female friends-to get married.

Nontando Hadebe 6-29-2009
Conversations can offer creative spaces for questions to be asked and the exchange or exploration of ideas.
Alan Bean 6-29-2009

The Jena 6 and Justin Barker are now free to move ahead with their lives. The terms of the plea agreement were revealed in the course of a two-hour court hearing at the LaSalle Parish courthouse.

Edward Gilbreath 6-25-2009

It's hot in Chicago. Summer is officially doing its thing.

Steve Holt 6-24-2009
Throughout the Bible, God's people are instructed to care for those who often cannot thrive on their own, most often widows and orphans.
Harper McConnell 6-24-2009

It was hard to miss me on the lava-rocked streets of Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, while I was working for a locally led organization, HEAL Africa. I lacked the grace of Congolese women who glided across the tumultuous terrain in high heels while I tripped over the ubiquitous black rocks.

Neeraj Mehta 6-24-2009
Why are people poor? I remember being asked this question 10 years ago while training for a program I was volunteering with.