
Jennifer Wheeler 2-26-2010
I am a single mom living alone with my 3-year-old little boy in southwest Florida.
LaVonne Neff 2-17-2010

Fifteen years ago next week, on my mother's 85th birthday and exactly one week before Ash Wednesday, my father died.

Jacqueline Klamer 2-12-2010
Three days after a 7.0 earthquake rocked their city, hundreds of Haitians returned to work at SPIA, one of the largest pasta production companies in the country.
Eugene Cho 1-15-2010
Nicolas Kristof had a recent article in The New York Times titled, "Religion and Women," t
John Gehring 1-11-2010
While attention is focused on final negotiations over health-care legislation, Catholic bishops have signaled they will play a leading role in pushing for comprehensive immigration reform this year

The gospel according to Aretha Franklin says: "R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me."

Biblical wisdom teaches: "Give everyone what you owe him. If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor." (Romans 13:7 NIV)

Jimmy McCarty 11-17-2009
The release of photos of Americans supposedly treating imprisoned suspected terrorists badly has been blocked by the Pen
Megan Grove 11-13-2009

Young and old, large and small, farmers and pastors, men and women all lined the streets in front of Publix grocery stores in Florida last month.

Randy Woodley 11-12-2009
In November we first think of Thanksgiving, and as we Native Americans say, Thanksgiving is a time when we once again reflect upon all we have and the genocide it took to get it.
Anne Dunlap 10-16-2009
These remarks were presented on October 13, 2009 at a press conference in Aurora, CO urging Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) to take a public stand in favor of comprehensive immigration reform.
Jim Wallis 10-08-2009
Over the course of the health-care debate, voices of faith have been raised about the moral values at stake beneath the policy discussions.
Lynne Hybels 10-08-2009
Nearly five years ago my friends, Hector and Gabby and their five kids, entered the U.S. legally from Mexico in order to join the pastoral staff at my church, Willow Creek.
Mimi Haddad 10-06-2009

Earlier this year I spent nearly one week at a Christian university.

Just peace theory is the middle way between pacifism and just war theory. It recognizes the moral force of nonviolence and the goal of a world that solves its disputes through nonviolent means.
Mimi Haddad 9-15-2009

Have you ever noticed how every day language is used to manipulate and shape rather than describe reality? Here is one example.

Asma Mobin-Uddin 8-25-2009
As representatives from many different faiths, we stand together today, united in our support for health-care reform so that affordable, quality health care can be made available to all.