
Crissy Brooks 12-08-2009
Last year at Christmastime one of my neighbors was deported. The next day his mother showed up to volunteer as a gift wrapper at our annual community Christmas Store.
Lynne Hybels 12-08-2009
I refuse to write a blog about how overwhelmed I am by the holiday season. I'm not going to wax eloquent about how the season I loved most as a child has become the source of excruciating stress.
Charles Gutenson 12-03-2009
A person serves food to others waiting in line with plates.

A popular argument amongst political conservatives goes like this: while they grant that Scripture requires concern and care for the poor and marginalized, that concern is one to be addressed by in

Tracey Bianchi 12-02-2009
It's time to haul out the Christmas lights and stockings, Advent calendars, and odd-shaped Santa pillows from grandparents. Every year I sort of dread dragging all the chaos out of the basement.
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 12-01-2009
December 1 is World AIDS Day. December 1 is also the day that Rosa Parks refused to yield her seat on a bus in Montgomery.
Leroy Barber 12-01-2009
So there is something on my mind, and I'm not quite sure how to approach the subject.
Julie Clawson 11-30-2009
So the stores are playing Christmas music and down here in Texas the highs are only the 70s and 80s, so the holiday season must be upon us.
Diana Butler Bass 11-30-2009
"There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations caused by the roaring of the sea and the waves," proclaims Jesus in the gospel of Luke.
Steve Holt 11-27-2009

Imagine for a minute the fallout were a Muslim high school in America to choose for its mascot "the Jihadists."

In that light, how do you think Muslims (or Jews) view Christian schools whose mascot is "the Crusaders?"

Shane Claiborne 11-23-2009

As some of you know (though I know not many of you keep up with the latest men's magazines) -- Esquire magazine's end of the year "Best and Brightest" edition named me one of the "Radicals and Rebels Who Are Changing the World"... but I wanted you to know the story behind the hype.

Mimi Haddad 11-18-2009
Have you ever visited your local Christian bookstore as an exercise in gender studies?
Catherine Cuellar 11-12-2009

Residents of the Lone Star state are known as proud folk, but there are a few startling facts that should make everyone -- not just residents of the third-largest metropolitan area in the U.S.

Logan Isaac 11-11-2009
Nobody today will be able to celebrate our many veterans without the memory of Fort Hood<
Jarrod McKenna 11-10-2009
[continued from part 1] Philosopher Emmanuel Levinas reminds us that "the other" is not an object for us to control but a
Ryan Rodrick Beiler 11-09-2009
People who do diversity work run the risk of setting impossible goals for themselves: The Beloved Community. The Kingdom of God.
Charles Gutenson 11-06-2009
Don't you love it when someone tries to argue for one thing by distracting your attention to another?
Alexis Vaughan 11-03-2009
There is a line in the Riga Veda, a collection of ancient Hindu scripture, that says "Truth is One, but the sages speak of it by many names." I had heard of this before, but hadn't given i
Tracey Bianchi 11-02-2009

Halloween is over. I was standing in the kitchen tonight pilfering through the bowl of chewy, crinkly wrapped treats that my children acquired last night. Poor things. They do all the work of running up and down the sidewalks, climbing stairs, ringing bells and then I dole them out a piece or two a day and confiscate anything with caramel for myself. Hardly seems fair.