
Cesar Baldelomar 5-15-2009
Scandal has again surfaced in the American Catholic Church, but, gratefully, this time it is not over child abuse or mismanagement of funds.
Aaron Taylor 5-14-2009
A few weeks ago, I read Brian McLaren's post on this blog that caused some intense soul-searching.
Jarrod McKenna 5-13-2009

"Jesus Killed Mohammed" was written in Arabic in large red letters on the side of a U.S. Army Special Forces vehicle, armed to kill and rolling through a town in Iraq. It sounds like a bad Mad-Maxesque Hollywood adaption of the Crusades set in our contemporary context. The scene gets more chilling and horrific:

Kevin Lum 5-08-2009
Historically, the number of individuals who say they have no religious affiliation in America ranges between 5-10%, but a new poll conducted by Robert Putnam (of
Arthur Waskow 5-04-2009

One of the central teachings of Torah is that all human beings are made in the Image of God. That teaching and what flows from it are at the heart of Jewish prohibitions on the use of torture -- and perhaps at the heart of Christian opposition to torture as well.

Indeed, the Rabbis

Angela Whitenhill 4-24-2009

This piece was written as a personal testimony as to how we can use scripture to liberate us from mental and physical bondage. Through the Eyes of the Beholder is dedicated to all of us who struggle with insecurities; that we may know how to alter our perceptions to see ourselves and others through God's eyes.

Mimi Haddad 4-24-2009
Do you find yourself reluctant to attend women's retreats because they tend to focus on things like fashion, women's emotions, crafts, and new forms of stomach exercises?
Eugene Cho 4-20-2009
Ministry has its up and downs. Such is life.
There is much to be disturbed about in the recent revelation of the Bush administration torture memos.
Cesar Baldelomar 4-16-2009
As Christians, our continual task is to explore and mediate on Jesus' teachings, as well as to emulate his deeds.
Mimi Haddad 4-13-2009
As we celebrate Easter and Christ's empty tomb, we recognize that Calvary changes everything!
Cesar Baldelomar 4-03-2009
Jesus, who was a Palestinian Jew living under Roman occupation, preached a message that was anti-state and religious imperialism.
Aaron Taylor 3-27-2009
As I write this post, I'm sitting in a hotel room in Eugene, Oregon waiting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies conference to start. It's nice to have a day to myself.
Tony Campolo 3-24-2009

When it comes to President Obama's stimulus package and its provisions to help those Americans who are having great difficulty paying their home mortgages, I have come to realize that I'm like the older brother in the story of the Prodigal Son.

Apricot Irving 3-17-2009
Two years ago, I celebrated St. Patrick's Day in Ireland with my parents, my husband, and my one-year-old son.
Mimi Haddad 3-08-2009
How many times have we heard that women are more easily deceived than men?
Cathleen Falsani 3-06-2009

Without a line on the horizon, we may feel like there is no limit to how far we can go. But it also makes the seas difficult to navigate.

Kevin Palau 3-05-2009
It's a new world we're living in. The troubles and hardships that were once easy to shove under our country's red, white, and blue rug now fly up in our faces on a daily basis.