Sojourners Magazine: January 2019
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In this issue, we take a careful look at the twisted logic—and theology—that brought us Facebook, iPhones, 2-day shipping, Alexa, and 1,700,000,000 search results in .48 seconds: “Innovation is always good, and more is always better. Create powerful technologies, improve humanity and the planet, and make piles of money. This is the secularized spirituality of Big Tech at work, buffering it against any ability to contemplate its own potential evil,” writes Gaymon Bennett.
Cover Story
Big Tech offers a world of self-actualization, wealth, and progress. What could go wrong?
Divided by fences but united in the Spirit, the body of Christ assembles under the watch of the U.S. Border Patrol.
Faith-led groups begin their own movement to reverse environmental disaster.
Across the country, people are punished for being homeless—but advocates are using the courts to fight back.
Four centuries after slave ships landed in Virginia, planes deport African immigrants back to slavery.
Matthew Shepard has been laid to rest—but hate crimes continue.
Culture Watch
‘Behold the Earth’ is a film on faith in a time of climate crisis.
A review of Elaine Pagels’ ‘Why Religion? A Personal Story.’
An excerpt from Kathryn Tanner’s ‘Christianity and the Spirit of Capitalism.’
Paul Simon's ‘Graceland’ is one of the most morally compromised works of the late 20th century.
Review of ‘She Preached the Word: Women's Ordination in Modern America’ by Benjamin R. Knoll and Cammie Jo Bolin.
What we can learn from 15-year-old climate advocate Greta Thunberg.
This past year exposed assaults on the rules of law, public ethics, and moral decency.