Sojourners Magazine: May 2004
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Cover Story
The gospel provides an antidote to the abuses of the global economy and invites us to act for justice wherever - and whoever - we are.
The Bush doctrine of pre-emptive war has opened up a new front in the debates over "just war" theory.
These paintings were part of an exposition held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was no ordinary exposition.
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez stirs up fierce criticism - and hope.
You wouldn't know it by the candidates, but Christians form the base of the party.
I pulled dramatically into the office parking lot, turned off the ignition and coasted to a stop, the powerful engine reluctantly emitting its final throaty rumble.
To focus on the suffering of Christ apart from Jesus' way of the kingdom misses the central point of the gospels.
Culture Watch
The 'adult' standards of cable have seeped into the groundwater of broadcast television.
Several times during the tumultuous events leading up to the Iraq war,
Protesters converged on Managua in February with brooms in hand to "
Associate editor Rose Marie Berger joined a January delegation
to Venezuela organized by Marie Dennis of the Maryknoll Office of
Global Concerns.