Sojourners Magazine: May 2009
How does your economy grow? That’s a question a lot of us are asking these days. For ideas and insights on how to build an economy that’s based on community, justice, and sustainability, read the articles to the left or watch and listen to these web extras!
Listen to Majora Carter as she shares her favorite story of how a community garden transformed the life of a formerly incarcerated green-collar worker.
Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, talks about how buying local is the best way to combat the economic crisis in this video interview with Sojourners.
Listen to Charlotte Brody talk about why she joined Green for All and how spirituality influences the work they do.
Check out these stories from the global South about how global warming is already harming people in poor nations, and suggestions for how to respond.
Read an excerpt from Van Jones' book, The Green Collar Economy.
Ed Spivey Jr. talks about receiving an e-mail from President Obama in this month's H'rumphs video.