“Stingy Givers” (a review by J. Dana Trent of Passing the Plate: Why American Christians Don’t Give Away More Money, March 2009) is an important article, especially now when giving seems to be the first thing to fall by the wayside. I work for Covenant House Pennsylvania, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing shelter for 18- to 21-year-olds. We rely heavily on donations, but in recent months there has been more than a 10 percent decline in giving.
Everyone is feeling the effects of our declining economy, including the homeless. Beds become scarce and funding for food becomes even scarcer. These are dangerous times for people to cut corners when it comes to giving. Clergy need to address the importance of tithing, regardless of how politically incorrect it may seem. Sometimes you need to turn over some new tables in the church.
If Christians continue to go unchallenged when it comes to generous giving, we will be unable to feed those who are hungry, give a drink to those who are thirsty, and clothe those who are naked.
Evan Cantiello, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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