
Fortune and calamity, / rushing over us and overpowering ...

Daniel Berrigan 5-01-1983

The trouble with our state
was not civil disobedience
which in any case was hesitant and rare.

Suzanne Belote 7-01-1981

God has descended,

the jail door has opened,

and I am filled with doubt.

Dayshift is terrible if you don't have nobody to pick up your children. You tell them to call you at work when they get home. Or you call home when they suppose to be there.  If your boss will let you. An Atlanta mother, interviewed March 1, 1981

Peter Oresick 4-01-1981

A poem

James H. Forest 10-01-1978

For Thich Nhat Hanh, Cao Ngoc Phuong, and the refugees on, and in, the South China Sea

Jim Forest 10-01-1976

the cross:
death's intersection
with birth

Daniel Berrigan 4-01-1976

What is the point in saying no, what is the point in not saying no? The questions make sense as long as there is a point toward which the questions are moving.

Rosemary 9-01-1971

Last Monday the President went mad.