Sojourners Magazine: August 2017
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What would it mean to show love to the very people--peddlers of fake news, white nationalists, members of certain presidential administrations--who have caused real harm to us and our neighbors? In this issue, Jason Byassee's profile of former white nationalist Tony McAleer plunges us right into Jesus' most challenging commandment: the call to seek restoration rather than retribution.
Cover Story
A conversation with a former neo-Nazi who's learned that there's life after hate.
In Mexico, rural farmers resist emigration by building local economies.
How could I remain in a church that made no space for my brutalized past?
Early Christians didn't just advocate for prison reform — they questioned the entire logic of retributive violence.
Single-issue advocacy leads to inconsistency on life issues.
If your world doesn’t feel like it is turning upside-down, maybe you aren’t watching carefully enough.
A challenge is to build urban areas in ways that people of all type can enjoy their pleasures.
Trump chose to isolate the U.S. on an issue on which there is nearly unprecedented global consensus.
Culture Watch
Welcome to the world of director Laura Dunn.
Always with Us? What Jesus Really Said about the Poor, by Liz Theoharis. Eerdmans
The New Urban Crisis: How Our Cities are Increasing Inequality, Deepening Segregation, and Failing the Middle Class—and What We Can Do About It, by Richard Florida. Basic Books
Holy Spokes: The Search for Urban Spirituality on Two Wheels, by Laura Everett. Eerdmans
Sinclair Broadcast Group, a chain of local TV stations that skews to the right of Fox, is emerging as a national media voice.
Why we published a cover story about a former white supremacist.