Posts By This Author

Casualties of War: Seeking the Truth About Nicaragua

by The Editors 11-01-1986

An Interview with Penny Lernoux

The Sojourners Guide to the Nation's Capital

by The Editors 06-01-1986

With summer almost upon us, many of us at Sojourners are getting ready for long-awaited vacations. But each year, just as we're trying to spend a few weeks at the beach or in the mountains, many of our readers and other friends make a trek to the nation's capital.

In The Middle: The Challenge of Racial Reconciliation

by The Editors 05-01-1986

An Interview with Catherine Meeks

Gifted with Hope: Five Religious Women Talk about their Changing Roles.

by The Editors 04-01-1985

An interview with Marjorie Tuite, Melinda Roper, Luanne Schinzel, Joan Chittister, and Rosemary Radford Ruether.

Dismantling Apartheid: Walter Fauntroy Talks About the Free South Africa Movement

by The Editors 02-01-1985

An interview with Walter Fauntroy.

Prisoner of Hope

by The Editors 02-01-1985
Desmond Tutu in 1985

Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 1985. EYEPRESS via Reuters Connect

Sojourners interviewed Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and archbishop of the Anglican Church in Johannesburg, South Africa by phone on December 24, 1984.

Against the Best of Our Traditions

by The Editors 09-01-1984

An interview with Jack Elder.

Calling The Bluff

by The Editors 08-01-1984

An interview with former CIA analyst David MacMichael on arms shipments from Nicaragua to El Salvador.

As We Have Been Given

by The Editors 06-01-1984

The Community of Communities statement of vision and purpose.

Bishops at the End of the Line: Two Catholic Bishops Discuss Nuclear Resistance

by The Editors 02-01-1984

An interview with Bishop Leroy Matthiesen and Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen.

A Promise of Resistance

by The Editors 12-01-1983

A promise of resistance.

Nicaragua: Hearts and Bellies

by The Editors 03-01-1983

A discussion of salvation

Family, Friends, And Neighbors

by Barb Tamialis, by The Editors, by Jim Tamialis 05-01-1982

An interview with Barb and Jim Tamialis.

Keeping the Backyard Safe

by The Editors 04-01-1982

A timeline of events

Suffer The Little Ones

by The Editors 07-01-1981

Poor children under Reagan's budget. An interview with Marian Wright Edelman

All And The Family

by The Editors 06-01-1981

Nurturing natural families in Christian community

Of Saints And Senators

by The Editors 02-01-1981

An interview on faith and politics with columnist Gary Wills

Over The Long Haul

by Jim Wallis, by The Editors 01-01-1981

A pastoral letter

The Failure Of Conventional Wisdom

by The Editors 01-01-1981

A Forum on Economic Realities in the 1980s

We Carry the Cross Close to Us

by The Editors 07-01-1980

A South African woman talks about her land and her faith.