We've done some early spring cleaning with this issue of Sojourners, going for a cleaner, more contemporary look. We adjust the design from time to time to make the magazine more readable-and more useful-for our readers. A couple of new columns also make their appearance this month. "New Wineskins" will offer different personal perspectives on faith from contributing editors, staff, and friends who don't usually write for us. "Close to Home" will alternate between topics related to parenting and those of nurturing adults. Marybeth Shea starts this new column off with advice on creating family altars. The resource section formerly called "Sharing the Sojourn" is now called simply "Community." It retains the same purpose, however-to serve as "a meeting place" for people of faith to connect with resources for community formation and organizing efforts. In addition, the "Up Front" section now goes by "Commentary," and "Under Review" is named "CultureWatch." Jim Wallis' column has been renamed "Hearts & Minds" and has moved to the front of the magazine. A change in both our hearts and minds is necessary to the transformation we so fundamentally need. In his monthly editorial commentary, Jim will explore how we might open up through faith to new possibilities of thought, vision, and action.
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