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Inside Story

by The Editors 09-01-2000
The Internet has made hate groups highly visible, completely anonymous, and available to a potentially limitless audience.

Inside Story

by The Editors 07-01-2000
Millions of people died in the slave trade. African AIDS deaths will soon exceed those horrendous numbers. The future of the continent isn't all that's at stake.

Summer Reading List

by The Editors 07-01-2000
New books worthy of note

Inside Story

by The Editors 05-01-2000

From the Editors

Inside Story

by The Editors 03-01-2000
In the new millennium, faith will be known by action. We need to break through the individualistic and privatized approach to spirituality and reconnect with real community.

Inside Story

by The Editors 01-01-2000
What's good for General Motors---and other megacorporations---isn't necessarily good for the rest of us.

Inside Story

by The Editors 11-01-1999
Assistant editor Rose Marie Berger traveled to Bosnia and Kosovo in July as part of a pilgrimage led by Don McClanen, founder of an organization called Ministry of Money.

Books of the Year

by The Editors 11-01-1999
From hip hop to Howard Thurman, From the well-known to the obscure, we did the reading for you (really, it was our pleasure)

Inside Story

by The Editors 09-01-1999

Some things come through planning. We planned to excerpt Ron Sider's forthcoming book Just Generosity, and for Jim Wallis to interview Harvard sociologist William Julius Wilson.

Inside Story

by The Editors 07-01-1999
Technology, of course, is a mixed blessing. But especially for those working in difficult and far-flung situations, e-mail can be vital for much more than relaying the latest office humor.

Toward a Sustainable Peace

by The Editors 07-01-1999
Excerpt from statement on Kosovo by Sojourners and other religious leaders

Inside Story

by The Editors 05-01-1999
Our lead CultureWatch piece is a profile of writer Anne Lamott, who some would consider, at least on sight, to be an unlikely evangelist.

Inside Story

by The Editors 03-01-1999
Hurricane Mitch already spurred us to publish one commentary ("A Mature Compassion," by Marvin Rees, January-February 1999).


by The Editors 01-01-1999

In our November-December 1998 issue, the caption for the photo on page 31 was incorrect.

Inside Story

by The Editors 01-01-1999
Nuclear abolition on the cover of Sojourners? Isn't that awfully retro, a flashback to the same-old same-old? A high-ranking military officer in full uniform on the cover of Sojourners?

Inside Story

by The Editors 11-01-1998
The terrorist bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the subsequent U.S.

Inside Story

by The Editors 09-01-1998
A basic principle of organizing is that a group of people with a common purpose can accomplish more than a single individual.

Inside Story

by The Editors 07-01-1998
This issue has the final "Signs & Wonders" column from contributing editor Joyce Hollyday.

Inside Story

by The Editors 05-01-1998
WE SEEK OUT most of our articles-solicit them from authors or write them ourselves. Once in a while an article is sent in that fits both our plans and our limited space.

Inside Story

by The Editors 03-01-1998
Some say chaos brings creativity.