Like the rest of America, we were dazed and shattered by the events of Tuesday morning, Sept. 11. Our office library had a CNN corner and a prayer corner with a lit candle and Bible ready for anyone able to focus enough to read it. But prayers and flickering TV images and names (the cousin, friend, friend of a friend who might be in lower Manhattan, on the wrong side of the Pentagon, or flying to California) mingled freely. Wordless, broken, angry, contrite, terrified, and wailing prayers: Prayers too familiar in much of the rest of the world came close to home.
Then we did what we do: We turned our prayers toward our work and let them shape and change it. Just days before deadline, we put aside our planned cover articles and asked several trusted Sojourners contributors to give their perspectives on this changed, terror-charged world. How might we move forward from this point in God's love, mercy, and justice?
Our writers had the difficult task of writing in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 events, and yet bringing a word that will help us move forward in the days and months to come. We think they've indeed offered wisdom and insight and-even in these darkening times-a word of hope.
As we went to press, we were stunned by the news of the Oct. 1 death of Lisa Y. Sullivan, the founder and president of LISTEN Inc. (see Sojourners, March-April 2001) and a member of our board. Our prayers are with her family and friends and the many young people she mentored. -The Editors
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