Weekly Wrap 12.29.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 12.29.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. 10 Resolutions for 2018

From Jim Wallis, 10 resolutions to make for the new year. Included: To start each day with a “yes!” to faith. To have the courage to say “no” when that is required. To not wait to see how others respond to dangerous ideas before responding yourself...and more.

2. From Evangelicals to Witches: How Religion Shaped 2017

Vox highlights four major religious trends, shifts, and changes in 2017, and ends with a little dose of optimism for 2018.

3. Real Gratitude Shouldn’t Be Easy: On ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’

“At our frequent worst, gratitude isn’t something we feel so much as calculate, tallying our advantages to weigh against the miseries of others. In the privacy of our own minds, our gratitude can bear a family resemblance to schadenfreude—a secret reassurance that others will always have it worse.”

4. ‘The Post’ and the Forgotten Security Guard Who Discovered the Watergate Break-in

Night security guard Frank Wills discovered taped doors at the Watergate and reported the break-in immediately. Why was his role in breaking the scandal erased from history?

5. Yes, There Were People of Color in Pre-Modern Europe

A conversation with @MedievalPOC, an activist using social media to change how we see color in the past.

6. Radio Nowhere

From Istanbul, a Syrian radio station in exile broadcasts news and popular soap operas to bring comfort to listeners back home.

7. Bussed Out

Each year, U.S. cities give thousands of homeless people one-way bus tickets out of town. An 18-month nationwide investigation by the Guardian reveals, for the first time, what really happens at journey’s end

8. Theater of War

He traveled to some of the world’s most dangerous places to disarm militias, negotiate with gangs, and defy terrorists. But Bill Brookman was just a clown.

9. What We Get Wrong About Dying

From the December issue of Nautilus, curated stories about science and trust. Start here, and follow up with what happens when parents spy on children, our conflicted feelings about R2-D2, and why bee colonies wouldn’t survive with social media.

10. Candles

A lovely prayer for 2018.


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