Weekly Wrap 11.3.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 11.3.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. The Lost Children of Tuam

Ireland wanted to forget. But the dead don’t always stay buried.

2. WATCH: A Poem for Survivors

“Lord, this is our overdue prayer…” Have you ever heard a sermon, a prayer, a Bible study addressing domestic violence?

3. Lying Has Consequences

“Yesterday, we saw the first wave of what is expected to be a much longer investigation into possible Russian collusion…”

4. The Untold Quiet of Kurdish Iraq

Vietnamese photographer Lam Duc-Hien travels to Iraq to photograph scenes of serenity: Serpentine rivers, mountain plateaus, shepherds, junipers, rolling hills.

5. Fear Can Make You a Better Person

A good read for Halloween week: “Given that real fear can be scarring and unpleasant, there’s a temptation to believe that the best way to deal with it is to avoid it at all costs. But science and philosophy often suggest otherwise.”

6. How Europe Exported Its Refugee Crisis to North Africa

Fewer people are crossing the Mediterranean, but a nightmarish bottleneck has been created instead.

7. Did the World Get Aung San Suu Kyi Wrong?

“This is not the happy ending we were led to expect.”

8. America Is Facing an Epistemic Crisis

What if Mueller proves his case … and it doesn’t matter?

9. This Is Why Consent Doesn’t Exist For Disabled Folks

“Forced intimacy can also include the ways that disabled people have to build and sustain emotional intimacy and relationships with someone in order to get access — to get safe, appropriate and good access.”

10. Half of Latino Immigrant Characters on TV Are Portrayed as Criminals, Study Finds

The study also includes ways to ensure better narratives and representation of immigrant communities in media.