A Latinx Theology Reading List | Sojourners

A Latinx Theology Reading List

Photo by Radu Marcusu on Unsplash

I am Latino. Soy Colombiano. I learned about God through Spanish lullabies, the stories of my abuelos, y the love of mami y papi. I was born into Spanish, and then translated al Ingles. After decades in Canada and the United States, my identity remains a puzzle. There is no box on the form for “complicated.” When I am asked where I am "really from" or why I have an accent, I am reminded that my Latinidad has no expiration date. Lately, I’ve realized that God wants me to honor the heritage of my faith. So, I have set out to search the roots of my faith.

To better comprehend the rhythm of my faith, I need to dig in and do the work. Therefore, I took to Twitter to inquire about the best books on Latinx theology. What follows is a curated list of suggestions I received. These are books by diverse authors from various traditions. It is a beautiful mix. An assortment of theology that tastes like tacos, sancocho, and sugarcane.

The following people contributed to this list of recommended books: Santiago Rodriguez, Michael Jimenez, Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros, Jasmin Figueroa, Alicia Reyes-Barriéntez, Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Jeremy V. Cruz, Deborah Saenz Gonzalez, Alejandro S. Escalante, Karen González, and Isaac Villegas. 


En la Lucha / In the Struggle: A Hispanic Women’s Liberation Theology by Ada María Isasi-Díaz

Hispanic Women: Prophetic Voice in the Church by Ada María Isasi-Díaz and Yolanda Tarango

Mujerista Theology: A Theology for the Twenty-first Century by Ada María Isasi-Díaz

The Faith of the People: Theological Reflections on Popular Catholicism by Orlando O. Espín and Roberto S. Goizueta

Mañana: Christian Theology from a Hispanic Perspective by Justo L. González

The Mestizo Augustine by Justo L. Gonzalez

The Touch of Transcendence: A Postcolonial Theology of God by Mayra Rivera

The Wiley Companion to Latino/a Theology, edited by Orlando Espín

Theologizing en Espanglish by Carmen Nanko-Fernández

Reading the Bible From the Margins by Miguel De La Torre

From the Heart of Our People: Latino/a Explorations in Catholic Systematic Theology, edited by Orlando O. Espín and Miguel H. Díaz

Handbook of Latina/o Theologies by Edwin David Aponte and Miguel De La Torre

Hispanic Women: Prophetic Voice in the Church by Ada María Isasi-Díaz and Yolanda Tarango

We Are a People!: Initiatives in Hispanic American Theology, edited by Roberto S. Goizueta

Caminemos con Jesus by Roberto S. Goizueta

Mestizo Christianity: Theology from the Latino Perspective by Arturo J. Bañuelas

Hispanic/Latino Theology: Challenge and Promise , edited by Ada María Isasi-Díaz and Fernando F. Segovia

Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza by Gloria Anzaldúa

Freedom Made Flesh: Mission of Christ and His Church by Ignacio Ellacuria

Faith Formation and Popular Religion: Lessons from the Tejano Experience by Anita de Luna

Longing for Running Water: Ecofeminism and Liberation by Ivone Gebara

Decolonizing Biblical Studies: A View from the Margins by Fernando F. Segovia

A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice , edited by María Pilar Aquino, Daisy L. Machado, and Jeanette Rodríguez

Galilean Journey: The Mexican-American Promise by Virgil Elizondo

Jesus for Revolutionaries: An Introduction to Race, Social Justice, and Christianity by Robert Chao Romero

Latinas Evangélicas by Loida I. Martell-Otero, Zaida Maldonado Perez, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier

Indecent Theology by Marcella Maria Althaus-Reid

The Queer God by Marcella Maria Althaus-Reid

The Gospel of Cesar Chavez by Mario Garcia and Virgil Elizondo

In Our Own Voices: Latino/a Renditions of Theology, edited by Benjamín Valentín

A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, and Salvation by Gustavo Gutierrez

Good News from the Barrio: Prophetic Witness for the Church by Harold Recinos

Ignacio Ellacuria: Essays on History, Liberation, and Salvation, edited by Michael E. Lee

Christ Outside the Gate by Orlando Costas

Religion and Social Conflict by Otto Maduro

Other recommended authors: Ruth Padilla DeBorst, Javier Giraldo, Michelle Gonzalez, Enrique Dussel, Teresa Delgado, Clara Luz Ajo Lázaro, Geraldina Céspedes Ulloa, Chela Sandoval, Jean-Pierre Ruiz, M. Daniel Carroll, Efrain Agosto, Daisy Machado, Neomi de Anda, Nancy Pineda, Karen Gonzalez.