
Kathy Khang 6-16-2010
I am not a hockey fan. I am the wife of a long-suffering Cubs fan, and by marriage I have learned all I know about baseball, football, and basketball from my husband.
Martha St. Jean 5-28-2010
She is my mother. She is my aunt. She is my next door neighbor. I recognize her familiar gait; the quick-paced step. Most importantly, I recognize the invisible burden she carries.
Tracey Bianchi 5-27-2010
"So what are you up to this summer?" seems to be the question du jour. With the calendar about to flip into June everyone seems antsy for a summer plan.
Becky Garrison 5-21-2010
When I got a press release announcing that Spike Jonze was the executive producer of The Lazarus Effect,
Duane Shank 5-12-2010
Two recent news reports on the war in Afghanistan present a more complete story together.

Lena Horne is gone, but she remains a bright shining light.

Jim Wallis 5-10-2010
Yesterday I heard one of the best Mother's Day sermons I can remember. It was by the pastor at our family's church, Rev. Jeff Haggray of First Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.

Julie Clawson 5-10-2010
So the latest Nick & Josh Podcast is up and it's a r
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 5-07-2010
Mother's Day is a challenge. While advertisements evoke misty eyed memories and quaint appreciation for mothers, the truth is that Mother's Day began as a call to action by Julia Ward Howe.
Usually when Mother's Day comes, we think of the women in our lives who nurture, teach, rear, and comfort us.

In an age when many leaders desperately seek their 15 minutes of YouTube fame, Dr. Dorothy Irene Height was celebrated by presidents and everyday citizens alike for being the rarest of all humans -- a servant leader.

Julie Clawson 4-28-2010

After the synchroblog last week and all the discussions surrounding the question of if the emerging church is too white, I've had a number of interesting discussions regarding the ways in which the voice of the subjugated other (subaltern) finds a space

The world is stubborn. It changes its thinking at a glacial pace. People fear change, and they come to hate what they fear. Powerful interests do not want to lose or to share power. The work of social justice, of affecting positive change requires persistent commitment and radical love that gives one the energy to continue the work across decades.