White Evangelicals

Edward Gilbreath 1-12-2010
Racial reconciliation among evangelicals is one of those slippery topics that come and go based on which national leader is currently jazzed about it.
Aaron Taylor 5-14-2009
A few weeks ago, I read Brian McLaren's post on this blog that caused some intense soul-searching.
Brian McLaren 5-01-2009
Too many white evangelicals stand for torture, according to a recent Pew Forum study reported by CNN.com.<
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 4-06-2009

Last year Naomi Tutu and I met on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to keep vigil on the 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Friends joined us from around the country. We asked the visitors gathered there: "What keeps us from living the Dream?" Most folks spoke of fear. Some spoke of ignorance.

John Gehring 3-25-2009
When both the Left and Right begin sharpening their knives, it means you are on to something.
Jim Wallis 11-06-2008
Most elections are just power rearrangements; this one was a transformational moment in our history.
Lisa Sharon Harper 11-06-2008
In the wee hours of the morning on Wednesday, November 5, Wolf Blitzer listed "The Losers" in Tuesday's historic election on CNN.
Brian McLaren 9-30-2008
The soul of evangelical Christianity is under stress.

Andrew Wilkes 8-27-2008

Evangelical women and minorities, it seems, exist on the muted margins of political discourse in America. If a justice revival is to sweep over America once more, from the suburban megachurch to the urban storefront church, then Christians must pursue a vision of the common good for all -- and not the common good of a few.

The public narratives of the media often chronicle the broadening social concerns of white [...]