
Jarrod McKenna 12-04-2009

Unlike the other clips we've been showing in this "countdown to COP15" this one EPYC hasn't shown in workshops but is often mentioned by students. It comes from a science teacher named Greg Craven ...

Diana Butler Bass 11-30-2009
"There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations caused by the roaring of the sea and the waves," proclaims Jesus in the gospel of Luke.
Steve Holt 11-27-2009

Imagine for a minute the fallout were a Muslim high school in America to choose for its mascot "the Jihadists."

In that light, how do you think Muslims (or Jews) view Christian schools whose mascot is "the Crusaders?"

Soong-Chan Rah 11-09-2009
Last Friday, a group of Asian-American leaders (Kathy Khang, IVCF / Eugene Cho, Quest Church / Ken Fong, Evergreen Baptist Church and I) were on a conference call with three executives of Zondervan
Soong-Chan Rah 11-02-2009
Last month's Christianity Today featured an article on the state of evangelicalism by
Soong-Chan Rah 10-15-2009
A frequently asked question these days relates to the role of the church in civic society.
Randy Woodley 10-12-2009
Gurgen Bakhshetsyan / Shutterstock.com

Photo via Gurgen Bakhshetsyan / Shutterstock.com

As an explorer, Columbus was not the first to reach the Western Hemisphere. Native Americans had been here for 10,000-20,000 years, and Vikings and Chinese are among those others who hold prior claims. Even after four attempts, Columbus never realized his goal of finding a western ocean route to Asia. As a “founding father type figure” he never set foot in what is now considered America but landed in the present day Bahamas, Cuba, and Haiti. 

As a Christian example he enacted terrible cruelties to friendly natives: assuming unlawful rights of authority; robbing and subjugating whole nations of their freedom and entire capital; allowing his men to rape, murder and pillage at will; and deliberately leading the way for the genocide of millions, considered by many to be the worst demographic catastrophe in recorded history.

So why do Americans celebrate Columbus Day?

Randy Woodley 10-05-2009
Last week Ken Burns unleashed his new series on America's national parks, subtitled "America's Best Idea." The cinematography is incredible and Ken Burns is known as a progressive thinker.
I have a neighbor who has a little maxim he uses to explain much of what he sees on the news or reads about in the local paper.
Aaron Taylor 8-14-2009
A few days ago, radical Muslims in Pakistan began terrorizing the Christian minority in the town of Gojra.
Nontando Hadebe 8-12-2009
There is an African proverb from Ethiopia that says, "When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion." What a graphic illustration of power that emerges as an outcome of networking, partnership, and
LaVonne Neff 7-22-2009
Various Web sites and e-mails are reporting that cancer survival rates are much higher in the U.S. than in various European countries.
Aaron Taylor 7-13-2009

Mauritania is a land of striking beauty, with sand dunes lined against the sky, Bedouins riding camels in the countryside, and flying beetles that look like they come straight from the abyss of the Apocalypse. Mauritania is also a land of extremes-extreme beauty, extreme hospitality, and lately, extreme religion.

Edward Gilbreath 7-06-2009

You can't do church in the 21st century without a vision for cultural diversity, says author and theologian Soong-Chan Rah.

Ben White 6-22-2009
The protests rocking Iran are of great significance for the politics and society of a Middle East regional supe
Soong-Chan Rah 6-19-2009

Father's Day has always been a bittersweet holiday for me. For most of my life, my father was absent, having abandoned our family when I was in elementary school.

Anyone watching the news over the past couple of months will have noticed a flurry of action from two of the nations in former President Bush's infamous "Axis of Evil." North Korea tested a long-ra