
Jim Wallis 2-24-2009
Sunday, I preached from the old pulpit of William Sloane Coffin at Yale University.
Charlton Breen 2-24-2009
The United States has recognized that genocide is taking place in Darfur, Sudan. That recognition is now five years old.

Each time I write about the Middle East, I feel compelled to repeat three concepts.

Lynne Hybels 2-13-2009
A year ago I became haunted by the notion that Christians, Muslims, and Jews are going to blow up the world unless we learn to get along.
Rose Marie Berger 2-06-2009
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart Bowen has been on the Hill this week going through the gory details of waste, fraud, and mismanagement of the roughly $51 billion we gave fo
Barry Clemson 2-04-2009

Peace actions often evoke disgust, anger, and fear from the uninvolved bystander. Epithets are hurled at the demonstrators, with coward and traitor perhaps the favorites. Why should advocating peace evoke fear from the bystander?

Today I listened to a persecuted woman, mother to mother.
Cathleen Falsani 2-02-2009

Former President Jimmy Carter just published a new book about the ongoing violent unrest in the Middle East titled, We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work.

Gareth Higgins 1-29-2009
It's a significant week in Northern Ireland, with the latest development in the long-running peace process.
Arthur Waskow 1-29-2009
Beyond anguish, what can we say about the massive death and destruction in Gaza and the traumatic fear of falling rockets in Israel?
If this Gaza War teaches us anything, if the tragic history of wars in the Middle East teaches us anything, it is that when people are determined to obtain weapons and fight, war goes on and solves
J. Daryl Byler 1-27-2009
I began a fast for peace when Israeli troops entered the Gaza Strip. Last week, I ended the fast, as fighting has stopped and most if not all the troops have left Gaza.

Charles Gutenson 1-26-2009
As a former theology and philosophy professor at Asbury Seminary, Sojourners' COO, Chuck Gutenson, is a walking encyclopedia of all things theological
Bart Campolo 1-23-2009
Need a good book? Check out some of these titles:

Arthur Waskow 1-22-2009
I thought God -- the real God, the One who cares passionately about justice, peace, and diversity -- came out rather well in the inaugural ceremonies.

Brian McLaren 1-21-2009

I'm 52, and I've had a great first half-century of life (and am looking forward to the next). But this inaugural week I feel an extraordinary happiness. Younger people can understand it to a great degree, but I think many folks my age and older

Leonard Rodgers 1-16-2009

As of Thursday, the Red Cross reported 900 Palestinians from Gaza killed, half of them civilians, over 3,400 severely wounded, and 28,000 displaced from their homes. The special medical supplies which I brought here from the U.S., augmented by blankets and powdered milk and other food bought locally in Cairo, all seemed a drop in the bucket compared to the dimension of need.

Nate Van Duzer 1-16-2009
A year ago I heard a Palestinian diplomat describe Capitol Hill as "Israeli-occupied territory" in a speech given at Georgetown University.
Gareth Higgins 1-12-2009

The other day I heard a 78-year-old man sing, through a cracked voice, one of the most moving and gentle jazz melodies, as the iconic image of a fetishized sports car being driven into the sunset was projected. And, not for the first time in recent years, I was crying at the end of a Clint Eastwood film.