
Eugene Cho 3-27-2009

Last week, I had a quick 24 hour trip from Seattle to Chicago. As I was returning on Thursday night to Sea-Tac airport and eager to get back to my wife and kids from a good but exhausting trip, I was getting peeved that the de-planing process was taking such a long time. In fact, we didn't move for a bit.

Jim Wallis 3-26-2009

While watching President Obama's press conference Tuesday evening, I was struck by a few things that are often forgotten in the criticism of his proposed budget.

Cesar Baldelomar 3-24-2009

Twenty-nine years ago today, a Salvadorian government hit man assassinated Archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Romero as he was saying Mass in a convent. News of Romero's assassination sparked a slew of global responses -- from sadness and outrage to impartiality.

John Prendergast 3-24-2009
I have a confession to make. In the ninth year of the 21st century, and on my own 46th birthday, I may be the last activist left in America that has never penned a blog.

In last week's SojoMail, the quote of the week was from an Israeli squad leader describing the incredulous reactions of his men when he took measures to protect civilian lives during the invasion of Gaza.

Jim Wallis 3-19-2009
Here we are again, and again, and again. It is not a new message or a new concern. People have been suffering, starving, raped, beaten and killed year in and year out.
Apricot Irving 3-17-2009
Two years ago, I celebrated St. Patrick's Day in Ireland with my parents, my husband, and my one-year-old son.
Charlton Breen 3-17-2009
I was on a conference call for an hour and a half last week. It was intense. I haven't fully calmed down from it. I paced back and forth in the living room for a good portion of it.

Ishmael and Isaac, brothers of the same father and different mothers, together buried their father Abraham. Esau and Jacob, twin brother and rivals, reconciled.
David Cramer 3-13-2009
I have a confession to make.

James Loney 3-09-2009

"Let's listen in now to the Marine Corps Band," the CNN commentator says. The camera pans across the Washington Mall. People, as far as the eye can see, waiting for the historic moment, the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States of America, the first African American to ever hold this high office.

Gareth Higgins 3-09-2009
On Saturday night, two young soldiers preparing to go to Afghanistan were murdered in Antrim, Northern Ireland. Four other people, including two men delivering pizzas, were injured.
Aaron Taylor 3-06-2009

On the first day of the Obama administration, our newly elected president signed the order to close down Guatanamo. Scores of human rights advocates were in ecstasy. For those of us committed to peace and social justice, the words Guatanamo and Abu Ghraib invoke images of shock and horror. How could we as a nation have stooped so low? Where was the outcry from the Body of Christ?

Seth Naicker 3-06-2009
I guess that people are on a journey when it comes to faith. Some admit to being on a journey, while there are those who state they have arrived.

"People will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy."

Lent is a season of transition. It is a season of fasting, reflection, penance, and preparation.
John K. Stoner 3-01-2009

The memos to President Obama in the January issue are interesting for what they omit as well as for what they include.

Jim Wallis 2-26-2009
While at Yale last weekend, I had the opportunity to eat breakfast with a bright group of young students. One of the topics we touched on was interfaith dialogue.
Kaitlin Barker 2-25-2009
I recently heard a voice from Darfur. She sat on a stage in front of me, not on the pages of the newspaper, and Darfur's resilient voice said, "The crisis has turned our lives upside down."